Chapter 1673

"Yuyan, how can you come out by yourself without telling anyone? It's too willful."

Zhou Zixu also looked sternly at the girl in his arms, his little face was flushed from the cold, and he didn't even wear a scarf, but his heart ached so much.

But on the surface, he still didn't show it, and he couldn't let Swift see that he cared about her.

"Auntie said, I came to see that brother Mingyuan didn't buy a gift, and Xiaoqiang even sent eggs to brother Mingyuan!"

Yuyan was so wronged that she was about to cry, she just wanted to come out and buy some presents for brother Mingyuan, and her father even scolded her.

"Which aunt?"

Zhou Zixu's eyes suddenly turned cold, his voice became more severe, his eyes met with his wife's, and the two of them already had a conclusion in their minds.

"It's my aunt."

Yuyan was still young, so she couldn't tell how to introduce her. She called Captain Wu's wife and Director Wang's wife Auntie.

Lu Sihui frowned, thinking that her daughter didn't know how to call her, so she changed her way of asking.

"Is it Xiaoqiang's mother, or Mingyuan's mother?"

"Mother Xiaoqiang."

Asking this, Swift understood, and readily agreed.

"It's disgusting. Brother Wang handed over the child to them and seduced Swift while there was no one around. Why is this man's heart so bad?"

Angrily, Zhou Zixu kicked the snow on the ground fiercely. As smart as he is, how could he not understand what kind of evil intentions that woman had behind An?

"Go back and find them."

Lu Sihui's voice is very cold, and her eyes are even more cold and frightening. Is she showing shame to that woman? How dare she harm her daughter like this?


Zhou Zixu's character naturally couldn't tolerate this sand, so he walked back with his daughter in his arms with a gloomy face.

Because I was angry, I forgot that I came by car.

On the way back, the two picked up two children, Xiaoqiang and Mingyuan.


Mingyuan's eyes lit up when he saw Swift, and he ran towards them.

Xiaoqiang followed closely behind him, smirking and waving to Swift: "What are you doing, we have been looking for you for a long time."

"Forget, there is still a car!"

Zhou Zixu took a deep breath and saw that the hat Mingyuan was wearing didn't cover the white gauze at all. He was afraid that the wound on the child's head would be frozen, so he remembered that he came by car.

"Well, go back, but I have an idea."

Lu Sihui's pretty face was full of chills, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and she treated her body in her own way.

Driving towards the hospital, the three children sat on the back seat talking and laughing, not noticing the gloomy faces and angry eyes of the two adults in front of them.


Zhou Zixu's eyes were good, and he could see Xiaoqiang's mother crying from a distance. He looked at his wife, and saw Lu Sihui's face was cold, and said something to him with his lips.

"Well, that's a good idea."

A defiant smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Zixu's mouth, it's time for them to taste what it was like.

After sending Mingyuan to the hospital first, Zhou Zixu coaxed Xiaoqiang: "Xiaoqiang, how about going to uncle's house with Yuyan?"

"Yeah! That's great."

Xiaoqiang was so happy that he jumped up. Since Swift fell into the ditch last time, the other three of the four bullies stopped playing with him.

Today his uncle sent out an invitation to him, and he was about to jump up for joy.

"Wait for uncle in the car, I'll take Mingyuan back to the ward."

The smile on Zhou Zixu's face was even stronger, he looked like an amiable uncle, but there was a hint of evil in that smile.

Lu Sihui raised an eyebrow at him, so happy to abuse bad people?

Zhou Zixu took Mingyuan to the hospital, and when he got to the door, he met a man.

(End of this chapter)

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