Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1674 This idea is a little bit bad

Chapter 1674 This idea is a little bit bad
"Brother Wang, will Mingyuan be discharged from the hospital?"

Zhou Zixu looked at Wang Guoqiang who looked anxious, and didn't talk about his daughter, but Mingyuan first.

"Don't talk about him, did Swift find it?"

Wang Guoqiang's voice became hoarse. First, Swift lost, and then his son and Xiaoqiang also lost. He was like an ant on a fire, dying of anxiety.

Now that he saw his son came back, he couldn't be happy, and he lost two children!

"Brother Wang, it's like this"

Zhou Zixu briefly explained what happened, and Wang Guoqiang's eyes turned red from anger.

"This woman is simply too bad, but Lao Wu is in the ward, why doesn't he care?"

"What's the point? He pampered his wife. The couple are too bad-hearted. I want to teach them a lesson."

Zhou Zixu told Wang Guoqiang his decision, and he was hesitant after hearing that, after all, this person is too orthodox to do such a thing.

"It's better to beat him up!"

After thinking about it, Wang Guoqiang made a proposal.

He thought it was normal to have a beating, but Zixu's idea was a bit damaged.

"Brother, how about this, I'll take Mingyuan away too, don't say anything, just pretend to be in a hurry, can you get dizzy?"

Zhou Zixu decided that the villain would do it himself, and asked Wang Guoqiang to simply pretend to be sick.


Wang Guoqiang still refused to agree. He is an upright person, and he can't pretend to be sick.

"Okay, come home with me!"

Zhou Zixu was so angry that even Wang Guoqiang was kidnapped in the end, and the discharge procedures were not completed, so we will talk about it tomorrow.

Wang Guo couldn't resist him, so he escorted him into the car.

Captain Wu and his wife searched for the night in the city, but they did not find the two children.

Xiaoqiang's mother was hungry, tired and cold, and she rushed to the room in a hurry, so she couldn't do anything, and she fainted on the street.

Captain Wu had to help her and carry her back to the hospital. He had hope in his heart, what if the children came back?

In fact, he has gone back to the hospital twice to look for him, but there is no one there. The doctor was anxious when he saw him. The patient disappeared, and so did the patient's family members. Are you kidding the hospital?
This made Captain Wu more sure that Wang Mingyuan and the others hadn't come back, and Yuyan could find an excuse, after all, Zhou Zixu didn't give the child to him to take care of.

But Wang Mingyuan couldn't do it. He was the one who crashed it. Wang Guoqiang asked him to look after the child, but he lost sight of the child again. Minister Wang would not let him go.

Thinking of the terrible consequences, he felt a surge of fear, and his official career was completely cut off.

"Doctor, my daughter-in-law has fainted, please take a look."

After finally carrying his daughter-in-law back to the hospital, Captain Wu collapsed. He didn't eat for a day, and he got a sudden fire, and his head was dizzy.

After the examination, the doctor said that he was in a hurry and gave his wife a drip.

There is no need to open the sick bed, and Zi Mingyuan's high-level cadre ward is directly dripped.

Watching the medicine drop from the dropper drop by drop, Captain Wu felt that it was like mountains falling towards him.

Standing up abruptly, he made a decision.

Xiaoqiang had a great time at Zhou's house, at least Swift was willing to play with him.

Dongsheng was very resistant to his coming, he refused to come down when he went upstairs, and hid in the room and did not come out.

Lu Sihui fried meatballs and made dumplings for a few children, Xiaoqiang was heartless and ate a plate by himself.

Wang Guoqiang was sitting on pins and needles. He was so anxious that two big blisters appeared on his mouth. Zixu didn't allow him to make a phone call or let him go home.

Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, and it was pitch black outside, thinking that Captain Wu and his wife didn't know why they were in a hurry!He dragged Zhou Zixu to the door and discussed with him.

"Zixu, it's almost done."

(End of this chapter)

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