Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1682 Is Your Face Worth It?

Chapter 1682 Is Your Face Worth It?

Captain Wu's daughter-in-law called her father-in-law from behind, and she was answered by a heavy slamming door, a gust of cold wind and snowflakes.

Zhou Zisong returned to the station with two rows of friends and told them to rest, while he called Minister Wang to report back.

It was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night after the report, and the New Year's Eve started, the last day of the year.

He drove towards home, wanting to go home quickly and see the twins.

Since having his own flesh and blood, his personality seems to have changed a bit, he likes to go home, he likes to hold children, watch them laugh, watch them cry, and look at their clear and childlike eyes.

That feeling, very happy, was completely different from when I was holding Dongsheng.

Director Wu ran to Minister Wang's house in the middle of the night, with runny nose and tears, and was about to kneel down while crying.

"Old Wang, you also know that what happened to my son was to visit your grandson, anyway? We have been good friends for decades, please don't fire him, please."

For the sake of his son, Director Wu also went all out. He did not hesitate to drag Minister Wang to prevent him from going to sleep, but let him listen to his own ink marks there.

"Old Wu! You are also a man of iron and blood. Isn't there an old saying in the past? It is called a prince who breaks the law and commits the same crime as the people. You have to lead by example, and you can't just look at your personal feelings and ignore the ruler's discipline."

Minister Wang tried not to hurt Old Wu, but just wanted him to retreat.

"I know, my son is wrong. You can go to confinement or write a self-criticism. Just don't expel him and don't leave a stain on his file. He still has a long way to go!"

Director Wu insisted on his point of view, and still begged hard, using their old comradeship to ask Minister Wang to forgive him.

"Old Wu, I've already given you face once, don't say it again, lest everyone lose face, this matter is not up to me alone, it depends on the meaning of the organization!"

Minister Wang gradually lost his patience. In the middle of the night, he was tossed twice because of Captain Wu.

All that needs to be said has been said, Director Wu still can't figure it out, this kind of thing has nothing to do with friendship.

If Captain Wu is not severely punished, if someone has something to do in the future, he will transfer the squadron privately, won't it be a mess?

Director Wu sat on the sofa dejectedly, and he knew that he didn't have much hope after talking about it.

But he just left like this, he is not reconciled!

"Minister Wang, we are old comrades, and I haven't asked you for anything, just help me once!"

Minister Wang stood up in a huff, and gave him an annoyed look, instead of talking nonsense with him, he gave orders to the nanny.

"Xiao Liu, see off the guests."

Director Wu suddenly raised his head. He is also a director, and has worked side by side with Lao Wang for many years. Why can't he give him some face?

"Old Wang, speaking of it, it was your grandson who abducted my grandson. I don't even want to talk about it. While looking for my grandson, isn't he also looking for your grandson? If you are punished, then your son is also responsible."

Minister Wang looked at Director Wu in disbelief, his eyes became colder and colder, and his expression became as iron as iron.

Seeing Director Wu's scoundrel, he was furious, and this time he didn't save face at all.

Originally, he was thinking of being demoted, let Captain Wu stay in the unit to be a small team leader, or he proposed to go home by himself, this is to save face for him, and he can find a good job when he returns home.

"Old Wu, can you say this? Who was my grandson injured after drinking? And because of who was admitted to the hospital? Speaking of which, I have already given you face once, and you think your face is valuable Is it? I can tell you right now that Wu Shuren transferred the squadron privately, expelled him from the monarchy, and handed it over to the monarchy court for disposal."

(End of this chapter)

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