Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1683 Pity the world's parents heart

Chapter 1683 Pity the world's parents heart
Director Wu stood there dumbfounded after hearing this, and looked at the back of Minister Wang leaving angrily, his head was buzzing, his eyes went black for a while, and he fell softly on the ground clutching his heart.


"Old Wu? Old Wu?"

Hearing the sound behind him, Minister Wang turned his head and saw that Old Wu had fallen to the ground, foaming at the mouth, so scared that he rushed over to pinch him.

"Go, get the Jiuxin Pill, and call 120."

While calling for Old Wu, Minister Wang told his son to call an ambulance.

"This man! For the sake of his son, he even gave up his own life. Pity the parents of the world."

Minister Wang looked at the unconscious old Wu and let out a long sigh.

Old Wu was sent to the hospital overnight for emergency treatment. He was rescued, but he became paralyzed, unable to speak, and the corners of his mouth kept drooling.

It's the New Year's Eve, and it's really disturbing that something like this happened to the Wu family.

Minister Wang was moved with compassion. During the meeting, Captain Wu was not strictly pursued, but he was asked to write an application to go home by himself, saving him the last face.

The little black room is closed, and Wu Danzhang's father is seriously ill. He is the only son. The unit is principled, but it depends on the situation.

Captain Wu's daughter-in-law was no longer as aggressive as usual. Looking at her father-in-law in the hospital and her husband who was expelled from the unit, she blamed her son for everything.

Holding a broom, he chased and beat Xiaoqiang desperately, scaring Xiaoqiang out of the house.

On New Year's Eve, another trick of finding children was staged.

The troublemakers are turned on their backs.

The Zhou family and Lu Sihui were busy preparing for the New Year's Eve dinner. She had no sympathy for what happened to the Wu family. She committed suicide at her own risk.

Who made these two couples have bad intentions from the beginning, to induce Swift, let Swift go out to take risks alone, and wanted their Zhou family to turn their backs on their backs to find their children.

She just treats her body with her own way, and the child stays at her house all afternoon with good food and drink. If Captain Wu doesn't change his mind, it's just a matter of worrying.


Someone was knocking on the door, and Lu Sihui was busy frying meatballs in the kitchen, with both hands occupied!Aunt Su was helping her, but she couldn't get out.

Li Yanhong saw it, and volunteered to run to open the door.

The door opened, the cold wind blew in, snowflakes hit her face, she shivered in the cold.

Looking outside, there was no one there. Li Yanhong rubbed her eyes in fright. When she was in the south, she heard old people say that during Chinese New Year, the deceased elders would go home to see people.

She couldn't help being frightened, and wanted to close the door and enter the house quickly.

"Auntie, I'm hungry."

Hearing the child's words, she recovered from her panic, and looked down to see Xiaoqiang standing pitifully in front of her, with cold snot running down his nose and timid eyes, no longer the mischievous look before.

"Come into the house."

Li Yanhong hurriedly let the child into the house, Lu Sihui came out of the kitchen when she heard the movement, and saw that Xiaoqiang's face was purple from freezing, she also felt very pitiful.

"Sister-in-law, please pour some hot water for him first. I have deep-fried meatballs here. Give him some first."

After Lu Sihui finished speaking, she returned to the kitchen and asked Aunt Su to take out a plate of meatballs she had just fried for Xiaoqiang.

"Xiaoqiang, how is your grandpa?"

The news of Director Wu's illness was told by his son, and he was very embarrassed when he heard it. Yesterday he was fine during the day, but he fell ill at night?

"My grandfather is in the hospital."

Xiaoqiang drank the hot water while trembling, the child's eyes were always frightened, like a poor abandoned puppy.

"Is there no one in your house?"

Mr. Zhou frowned and asked him, the child looked like he had been frozen outside for a long time, and that was all he could think of, everyone had gone to the hospital, and the child had nowhere to go.

"Dong dong dong." The door was slammed hard.

(End of this chapter)

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