Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1692 It's better to stop from now on

Chapter 1692 It's better to stop from now on
Grandpa Zhou saw it, and asked with a frown, adults can bear the hunger, but children can't.

"No, Grandpa, I miss Mom and Dad."

Lu Sihui had just finished cooking and wanted to come over to hug the twin sons, but when she heard Xiaoqiang's words, she frowned slightly.

I always feel that Xiaoqiang should not be kept in her family.

"Xiaoqiang, Auntie will take you home, you go back to accompany Grandpa, he is very lonely."

She found a good excuse and talked to her grandfather again when she came back. The grievances between the Zhou family and the Wu family were settled, and it is better not to get too close to Xiaoqiang now.

She also doesn't want Swift to play with him, it's best to stop from now on.

"Yes, go back and be with your grandpa!"

Mr. Zhou didn't think too much, waved his hand and let Xiaoqiang go home.

"I don't want to go back. The house is so deserted and there is no one there."

Xiaoqiang looked at Swift, as long as she smiled at him and was willing to play with him, that would be great!
"Let's go back!"

Lu Sihui found Xiaoqiang's clothes, ignored his words, knelt down to help him put them on, put on his hat and went to the door to get them.

"Goodbye, Xiaoqiang."

Swift was very happy to see him go, and smiled at him for the first time.

"Yuyan, I'll come to play with you tomorrow."

Xiaoqiang was immediately happy as if he had received a booster, and said to Swift.

"Tomorrow Swift will go out and is not at home, so you should not come."

Lu Sihui said something coldly, opened the door, and took Xiaoqiang away.

It was so cold outside the door, Xiaoqiang took a step back, a little unwilling to leave.


Lu Sihui pulled him to close the door and sent him directly to Wu's house.

When he saw Director Wu who was alone in the wheelchair, he looked at her with fixed eyes, as if full of hatred.

Lu Sihui frowned at him, her eyes were very cold, he is today because of his doting on his children and his lack of principles.

On the way home, looking at the dark sky, the gorgeous fireworks blooming from time to time, ignited the darkness and brought colorful light.

The world is still beautiful, but bad people are like the night, they must be covered by light.

She didn't regret cleaning up that couple at all, she just fought back and didn't take the initiative to bully anyone.

Before she got home, the headlights of the car came from behind her. She stopped and dodged to the side, but she didn't expect the car to stop beside her.


The car window was rolled down, and Zhou Zixu's bright smile bloomed in front of her eyes, and his clear voice showed his current good mood.


Lu Sihui smiled at him, and there were fireworks blooming behind her, making her smiling face look colorful, so gorgeous that Zhou Zixu couldn't take his eyes off her.

"A ride with you?"

He put his arms on the car window in a chic way, and said something lightly to Lu Sihui.

"Before, was this how you casually teased a little girl?"

Lu Sihui kept a straight face on purpose, and stared at Zhou Zixu angrily.

"In the past, they were the ones who teased me. In this life, you are the only one I've taken the initiative to tease. How about it? Little daughter-in-law, would you like to ride in my car?"

Zhou Zixu's smile twinkled, and there was a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Yes, yes, but I want to drive the car."

Lu Sihui leaned on the roof of the car with one hand, lowered her head halfway, and looked at the seductive handsome guy

Suddenly found that she also has the potential to play tricks on people, which is very good.

She gave Zhou Zixu a flirtatious look, and Zhou Zixu acted as if he had been hit by an electric shock, and leaned on the driver's seat, covering his heart.

"Drip drip drip."

Before Zixu can continue the performance, he and his wife will continue the flirting and scolding to the end!There was a hurried horn sound from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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