Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1693 The heart almost stopped beating

Chapter 1693 The heart almost stopped beating

"Brother, what are you in a hurry for?"

Zhou Zixu glanced at the reversing mirror, saw the serious man sitting in the cab of the rear car, and immediately raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, raised his voice, and yelled at his elder brother.

"Drive fast."

Zhou Zisong's expression was cold, he was still in a hurry to go home and look after the child!Besides, in order to eat with his family, he didn't eat anything at work, and he was hungry and cold at the moment.

Why is it difficult for the younger brother to flirt and scold, insisting on blocking the road?

Lu Sihui smiled and walked towards the house first.

Creak, creak, the sound of stepping on the snow is not offensive at all.

This may be the reason for the mood!The entanglement with the Wu family finally came to an end, and no one who should be punished ran away.

Zhou Zixu drove slowly and followed his wife, and Zhou Zi behind the car gritted his teeth in relief.

Back home, Lu Sihui felt very comfortable with the warmth that came over her face, and the sound of the car door being closed behind her, and the voice of her elder brother teaching Zixu a lesson.

She doesn't care, she doesn't meddle in the matter between the two brothers.

"Send it back?"

When Mr. Zhou saw his daughter-in-law coming back, he put down the chess game he was playing with Jianguo and asked her a question.


Lu Sihui hummed lightly, then hurriedly changed her shoes and took off her coat that was still covered with snowflakes.

"The three of them, father and son, haven't come back yet. It's boring to play chess with your brother. Come and play a game with Grandpa Pei!"

It's enough for Mr. Zhou and Lu Jianguo to play half of the game. This kid is more indecisive than him. He has already asked him if he is ready, and he agreed. I regretted it, and made the old man so worried that his heart almost stopped beating.

After finally looking forward to his granddaughter-in-law, he hurriedly dragged her to play chess with him.

"Grandpa, Big Brother and Zixu are back, and we'll be eating right away."

Lu Sihui smiled, changed her clothes, rubbed her hands, and put them to her mouth twice to make her hands warm up. Then she moved to her son's side, and the little ones' beds were moved to the living room.

After seeing Lu Sihui coming, the four children all looked at her in unison, as if they had been trained.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

As soon as Lu Sihui finished speaking, Zhou Zixu walked into the room with a happy face, followed by Zhou Zisong with a dark and sullen face.


Zhou Zisong just yelled lightly, then lowered his head and took off his shoes.

"I'm back. It just so happens that the food is ready. Your father is the only one left. He is the last one to go home every year. I don't know why there are so many things in the work unit?"

"Grandpa, my dad is the big leader. He has to go to each unit to give condolences. It's normal to come back late."

Zhou Zixu took off his coat and hat, and after all the snowflakes on his body were blown off, he didn't dare to go inside.

I was very afraid of the cold on my body, and made several children catch a cold.

In this regard, he is much more careful than his elder brother.

Zhou Zisong changed his clothes and saw that his younger brother was blocking the door and refused to leave. He couldn't help it anymore, he pushed Zhou Zixu away with his big hand, and walked directly towards the twins.

"Zi Song, you're back."

Li Yanhong blocked him calmly, not daring to speak out, for fear of hurting his manly self-esteem.


Zhou Zisong saw his daughter-in-law's smiling face, and there was a hint of warmth on her cold and hard face, but he didn't intend to stop under his feet, and walked around her towards the crib.

Li Yanhong frowned anxiously, but didn't dare to call him again.


Dongsheng ran over, hugged his leg and acted like a baby.


Zhou Zisong looked down at his son, his eyes were piercing, his spirit was good, he was about to grow into a young man, and he nodded in satisfaction.

Take another step towards the crib
(End of this chapter)

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