Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1694 Tough man also has a tender side

Chapter 1694 Iron man also has a tender side

"Big brother."

Zhou Zixu saw his sister-in-law's worry in his eyes, smiled, went over and put his arms around his elder brother's shoulders, and dragged him to the sofa.

"What's up?"

Zhou Zisong frowned and pulled his hand away, and asked impatiently.

"Brother, do you know it's cold outside? The snowflakes are fluttering"

Zhou Zixu was even more funny, talking as he spoke, and finally sang with a line from The White Haired Girl.

"The Year Comes"

Lu Sihui even sang along, Old Master Zhou looked at the young grandson and his wife cheerfully, Zhou Zisong had a dark face, and silently glanced at the two.

"It's okay, brother, let's eat."

This was delayed for a while, Zhou Zixu felt that it was almost done, strode towards the dining room, and threw Zhou Zisong with a face full of black lines in the living room, where one of the couple imitated Yang Bailao, the other imitated Xier, Zhou The old man was very happy.

"For Chinese New Year, you two sing Yang Bailao, who is Huang Shiren!"

The third man went to the dining room by himself, and Zhou Zisong stood there for a while, feeling that his younger brother just turned his head with a meaningful look, why is it so uncomfortable!
Li Yanhong held back her laughter, picked up her son and put it in Zisong's arms: "Xiaolong, dad is back, wish dad a new year!"

Zhou Zisong hugged his son, watched his son's dark eyes staring at him, looked at him and laughed, giggling, making his mood instantly beautiful.

"Let's eat!"

Li Yanhong smiled softly, and wanted to pick up the child and put him in the crib.

But Zhou Zisong was not willing to let go of the child, and the tough man also has a tender side.

The child also seemed to be clinging to him, smiling very happily.

Just like that, I went to the dining room with my son in my arms, and when I passed by my daughter's crib, I saw my daughter smiling at him, so I couldn't walk anymore, so I stood by her bed and watched.


Li Yanhong called Zhou Zisong, the food over there was getting cold, why didn't Zisong leave.

Following his gaze, he saw his daughter smiling happily, waving her small fists, as if eager to find her father to hug her.

This cute look made her unable to move away.

There was the sound of a key opening the door, and everyone in the room looked towards the door, and when the door opened, Zhou Baichuan's Wei'an body appeared at the door, with a weathered face, feeling that he was very tired.



Zhou Zisong was in the living room, so he yelled first, and Li Yanhong yelled after him.

Zhou Zixu was in the dining room, saw his father came back, and came out with a smile.

"Dad, you've worked hard. Wash your hands and come over to eat."


Zhou Baichuan glanced around the room, and finally his eyes fell on the four cribs, the sternness was replaced by kindness.

He took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, handed his hat to Zixu, rubbed his hands to warm up his hands, and swept away the chill from his body, looking at the two grandchildren in the crib from a distance.



Yuyan and Dongsheng ran over erratically, Yuyan hugged her grandpa's thigh and acted coquettishly, while Dongsheng stood aside and smirked, not daring to go over and act coquettishly like her younger sister.

The warmth of the family brought a rare smile to the usually cold and serious Zhou Baichuan.

"Baichuan! Come and eat."

Seeing that everyone was here, Mr. Zhou became happy, and waved to his son, telling him to come over quickly.

Zhou Zixu saw his elder brother hugging both twins, and felt sorry for his two sons, so he went over and hugged each other.

The little tiger and the little leopard giggled loudly.

Attracting Zhou Baichuan's gaze: "These two brats are the material to be guards."

(End of this chapter)

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