Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1695 Missing My Rebirth

Chapter 1695 Missing My Rebirth

"Dad, my son is less than one year old! Let them be guards?"

Zhou Zixu was a little unhappy, he didn't want to decide his son's fate prematurely, he hoped that the two children could develop freely and do what they like to do.

"What's wrong with being a guard? Didn't you and your brother both grow up in the unit? A man should defend his family and the country, otherwise he is not worthy of being a member of the Zhou family."

Zhou Baichuan glared at his son. In his heart, iron-blooded men are the most sacred, and the work unit is his home.

He not only hopes that his son will stay in the unit for a lifetime, but also hopes that his grandsons can grow up under the education of the unit and become generals in the future.

"Yes, it's best to be an iron-blooded man. Girls are free. All boys must enter the work unit to exercise and defend their home and country."

It was rare for Mr. Zhou to maintain a front line with his son, and he scolded his grandson with his eyes wide open.

"That's right, you're right, aren't you?"

Zhou Zixu raised his hand and surrendered, anyway, there are still more than ten years left!Is it interesting for him to compete with the two old men now?

"Have a meal."

See grandson compromised.Mr. Zhou waved his hand happily, feeling very accomplished, and felt that he was back in the unit, commanding thousands of kings and horses.

After the fifteenth day, it will be February [-]nd, and the year will be over after February [-]nd.

Zhou Zixu and Sihui went to Zhao Jinchen's house during the daytime on February [-]nd to pay New Year's greetings to the two elderly people.

Early in the morning, the couple went to the street to buy things. Zhao's family had pork, and the pig's head was not needed, so they didn't need to worry about the pig's head.

Then buy some cigarettes, wine, sugar and tea, and make up four boxes of gifts, which is enough to respect people.

At the same time, Zhao Jinchen and his daughter-in-law Ye Wenqian were also busy shopping in the street. The funniest thing was that they thought of going with Zhou Zixu.

The things I bought are the same, Luzhou Daqu, Hongmeiyan, jasmine tea, white rabbit milk 1 sugar.

In addition, I bought three sets of clothes for the children of Zixu's family. Buying clothes at this time is not like years ago. The front of the counter is deserted and it is easy to buy.

Not to mention Zhao Jinchen and his wife, just Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui, they drove towards Kaoshantun, talking and laughing on the way, and they were in a good mood.

"Sihui, it's time for Li Lanni to be sentenced!"

There was a lot of snow on the road, so Zhou Zixu didn't dare to drive fast, and he didn't dare to take his eyes off the front, but it didn't prevent him from talking.


Lu Sihui snorted lightly, this first month was definitely torture for Li Lanni, she didn't take care of her lightly, the abdominal pain she suffered back then was like twisting, Li Lanni had to endure it for an hour every day.

The reason why it was set for an hour instead of a whole day was because Lu Sihui didn't want her to get a chance to reduce her sentence because of this.

The time of the pain was not fixed every day. When the detention center took her to the hospital, nothing could be found.

This is pretending to be sick, and the result can be imagined, no matter how much Li Lanni yells for pain, no one pays attention to her, and her life is worse than death every day.

The white mountain is not far away, the world is pure, the bad guys have been cleaned up, and Lu Sihui also feels at ease.

Going back to Kaoshantun, there will be no such conflicts.

After all, this is the home where the original owner lived for 18 years, so I can't have no nostalgia in my heart.


Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui with a smile, and found that she looked very serious in deep thought.

He smiled and asked her, "What do you think?"

Lu Sihui looked at him, her black eyes were like lacquer, her voice was low but meaningful: "I miss my rebirth."

"Sihui, don't think about so many unhappy things."

Zhou Zixu held his daughter-in-law's hand distressedly. He thought differently from Sihui, thinking she was talking about hanging herself.

"It's not bad. Those who bullied Li Sihui back then were all punished. I feel sorry for her."

"Why can't I understand what you're saying?"

(End of this chapter)

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