Chapter 1698

"I'll go to your unit and sue you."

Zhao Jinchuan dared to speak only after hiding behind his father. After all, Zhou Zixu's aura pressed down on him like a dark cloud, making him feel out of breath.

But the aura was lost, and he was beaten again, so he couldn't get out of it no matter what.

People in the unit beat people casually, the leader will take care of it, right?
"In this case, I have to really beat you."

Zhou Zixu raised one corner of his mouth, showing a charming smile, his eyes were as cold as ice outside, and walked towards Zhao Jinchuan.

The fist was still raised towards him, and the clenched fist, like a stone hammer, was really smashed on the body, and Zhao Jinchuan felt that the bones had to be broken.

He was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and clutching his father as a shield, he dared not say a word.

Zhao Yaozu was also nervous, he was really slapped twice, he didn't feel bad, the brat should be spanked.

But when the guard's fist is harder than a rock, if it hits his son, the bones must not be broken?
Zhou Guifang subconsciously protected her son, and looked at Zhou Zixu beggingly: "Zixu, don't be like my son, he is not sensible, auntie will apologize to you."

Facing the two old men, Zhou Zixu frowned and took several deep breaths, but he didn't let go of the pressure in his heart.

Lu Sihui glanced at Zhao Jinchuan coldly. According to her previous temper, she would definitely hit him without saying a word.

"What a good person Jin Chen is, how can there be a younger brother like you?"

But now that the New Year's Eve is in Zhao's house, he doesn't want to cause trouble for his uncle and aunt, but he also doesn't want to see this Zhao Jinchuan again, so he said something in a cold voice, and went to stop Zhou Zixu.

"Zixu, let's go back! The child still needs milk!"

"Okay, uncle, aunt, I'll see you some other day."

Zhou Zixu breathed out a turbid breath, glared at Zhao Jinchuan coldly, and shrank his neck in fright, disdaining to look at him again, said something to Zhao Yaozu and his aunt, took his wife's hand, and walked out.

"Son, don't go, let your aunt cook some food for you, and leave after eating, otherwise, uncle will feel very sorry."

Zhao Yaozu held Zixu's hand, he was the most face-saving person, but he was humiliated by his old son today.

"Another day! The baby is still breastfeeding!"

Zhou Zixu waved his hands, with a gloomy expression, and left Zhao's house with Sihui.

Zhao Jinchuan moved his lips a few times quietly, looking like he was swearing, but he didn't dare to say a word.

The face is still hot. It hurts hot!If you talk again, you will be beaten, and a hero will not suffer from immediate losses.

Zhao Yaozu and Zhou Guifang walked outside the door, looking at Zhou Zixu and his wife apologetically.

"When the brats leave, I'll ask Jin Chen to invite you over for dinner." Zhao Yaozu extended an invitation to Zixu and his wife.

"Don't be angry with my old boy, you are used to it." Zhou Guifang followed up and apologized, she felt that she was used to it, and the child didn't know the world at all.

"Uncle, Auntie, I'm not afraid of your displeasure if I say a word. I can't be so used to Jin Chuan anymore. It will not only drag you down, but also Jin Chen. He has paid enough for your family."

Zhou Zixu didn't speak politely, he wasn't worth it for Jin Chen, and a good brother should pay for him, but Zhao Jinchuan, who didn't know how to be grateful, was an enemy even if he confessed.

"We know that we have already started to control his money, that is, because we gave him less money, this is causing trouble!"

Zhao Yaozu sighed, he knew it too, but he couldn't control the child when he was grown up.

"What are you talking about? Did you spend your money to sow discord?"

(End of this chapter)

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