Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1699 Like a deflated ball

Chapter 1699 Like a deflated ball
Zhao Jinchuan lay at the door and eavesdropped. Seeing that Zhou Zixu told his father to leave him alone, he immediately became angry. He also forgot that Zhou Zixu had beaten him just now, and stood at the door with his arms crossed and yelled at them.

But he was very smart, and he never left the door. As long as he saw Zhou Zixu turning his head, he ran back to the room and locked the door, and he didn't believe that he could enter the room.

"Little uncle."

Xiaoying tugged at the skirt of her uncle's clothes. She even thought it was too embarrassing for him to look like this.

"Go away, see? Remember that couple, they are the ones who killed your mother."

Zhao Jinchuan first pushed his little niece aside, thought for a while, and then took her arm to show her Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui.

"Uncle, your son is hopeless."

Zhou Zixu said coldly, for this kind of rogue face, in fact, as long as he beats him honestly, but this is the Zhao family, he doesn't want to embarrass his uncle and aunt too much.

"Hey, my friend from the previous life, please drive slowly."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, he didn't know how he raised his children, why Jin Chen was so good, Jin Chuan and Yu Ying were so selfish?

"Lu Sihui."

Zhou Changjiang gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Sihui, his eyes seemed to be looking at killing his father and enemy.

These days, he is like a wandering soul. His daughter-in-law was arrested and confessed that she was the one who wore father's shoes and ran to Zhao's house to poison Lu Sihui to death, and then planted it on his father.

As for the reasons for doing this, one is to escape the criminal law, and the other is to take revenge on his parents and make them suffer.

Now my mother is a useless person, half paralyzed, drooling, and can hardly take care of herself, let alone serve them.

Other people's houses are lively and lively during the Chinese New Year, and they eat delicious food and drink spicy food. His family spent the New Year in the hospital and ran out of money, so they had to bring his .1 mother back.

Except for cabbage and potatoes, they had to cook corn bread by themselves. Neither he nor his father knew how to cook, so life was miserable.

He also hated his wife, but he felt that she was bullied by his mother so badly that he did that.

She was gone, and all he thought about was her good. When he slept alone at night, the bed was cold, and he needed to talk to someone, and there was nowhere to resolve it.

Living this kind of life is torture every day. In the end, he stopped hating his wife and hated Lu Sihui. If she hadn't come to rely on Shantun, his wife wouldn't think of harming others.

He still has a complete family now, with a wife's building every night and hot meals during the day.


Lu Sihui turned her face to look at him, her eyes were cold and contemptuous, she didn't care about his anger or threats to him at all.

"Can you call my wife's name?"

Zhou Zixu stepped towards him, wriggling his fingers and making a click, click sound, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

It just so happened that I was angry with Zhao Jinchuan, and I couldn't beat Uncle Zhao to save face, but Zhou Changjiang would not be used to it.

"The name is what makes people shout, Lu Sihui, you have lived a happy life, why can't you leave a way for your sister?"

Zhou Changjiang yelled at Lu Sihui with a crying voice, he is not afraid of death now, would he still be afraid of Zhou Zixu hitting him?
"Did I let her poison me? You have to ask her, what did I do to her? How many times did she come to harm me? It's not that I'm dead, it's a corpse now."

Lu Sihui looked at him coldly, spoke without warmth, and did not hit him. This man was Li Lanni's tool from the beginning to the end, and it was boring for her to have trouble with a tool.

After hearing her words, Zhou Changjiang squatted on the ground like a deflated ball, threw the hat on his head into the snow, pulled his hair, and howled like a wild wolf.

(End of this chapter)

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