Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1700 A Buddha Can Be Angry to Death

Chapter 1700 A Buddha Can Be Angry to Death
"Sihui, let's go."

Zhou Zixu held his daughter-in-law's hand, and to a crying man, he would bully him.

Pulling his daughter-in-law and walking towards the jeep, it's better not to come here after relying on Shantun, it's troublesome to watch.

"Look, who are these people? If you treat them as distinguished guests and ruin Zhoujiakeng's family, they were responsible for Yuying's death. Otherwise, if she is still alive, Xiaoying won't be without a mother."

Watching Zhou Zixu drive away, Zhao Jinchuan seemed to have suddenly thawed from the frozen state, and started talking again.

He couldn't wait for his parents to agree with him.

"you shut up."

Zhao Yaozu scolded angrily, Zixu and Sihui came to see him from a long distance, and were disturbed by this rebellious son.

When Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui returned home, Jin Chen and No. [-] had just left.

"Your friend is good, the couple came to see me, be polite."

Mr. Zhou obviously spoke highly of Zhao Jinchen, and when he saw Zhou Zixu came back, he started talking.

"Yes, he's fine."

Zhou Zixu looked at the four boxes of gifts on the table and the clothes he bought for his three children, feeling a little empty in his heart. If he had known that Jin Chen was coming, he would not have gone out. Could he have some drinks with his old friends?
"Go get them back."

Lu Sihui saw the annoyance in Zhou Zixu's eyes, and said something in a low voice.

She hasn't chatted with No. [-] for a long time, and she misses her very much.

"This proposal is good, but I have to work hard on you again."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law with warm eyes, and when he asked someone to go home for a drink, Sihui had to be a cook, and his heart ached when his daughter-in-law was tired.

"I like cooking, so I'll call Brother Wang and his wife over to get together."

"Okay, I'll go after it."

When Zhou Zixu heard his wife's words, his smile brightened immediately. He was going back to work tomorrow, and he had to go to Junguan School immediately. This time he left for two years. This was his last gathering together before he left.


Lu Sihui snorted lightly, already thinking about what to cook?

Zhao Jinchen and his wife didn't go far. The reason why they didn't run into Zixu was because No. [-] wanted to go to the toilet. He parked his bicycle by the side of the road and accompanied her to the woods.

It was only a few minutes, and I missed it.

At this moment, he is carrying his daughter-in-law towards the house!Carrying the two of them on the bicycle, it was still a bit difficult to move forward in the snow.

"Jin Chen, your brother has been a bit too much these past few days. He is beaten every day. I can't take it anymore."

No. [-] hugged Zhao Jinchen's waist, and put her face on his back, which could block the cold wind and make her feel dependable.

She endured it for a whole month. She usually went to work during the day and went home at night, and basically never met Zhao Jinchuan, so it was better to talk.

But in the past two days, Zhao Jinchuan seemed to be doing it on purpose, every day after she came home, he began to criticize Sang Huai.

She said that his brother didn't give money, but she didn't let him.

This Zhao Jinchuan is smarter, he doesn't name names, so that No. [-] can't get angry.

If you beat him, your parents-in-law will definitely be upset. If you don't beat him, and listen to him whispering in your ears, you will be so mad.

When she first married Jin Chen, she felt that his family only had her in-laws and brother-in-law, and there was no troublesome brother-in-law, so it should be easier to get along with.

Unexpectedly, instead of being angry with her in-laws, she was squeezed out by her brother-in-law.

People who stay in the unit for a long time will not fight with others at all, she is just angry.

"He's leaving soon, don't pay attention to him."

Zhao Jinchen frowned coldly. His younger brother had been asking him for money these two days, but he ignored him. Didn't expect to find his sister-in-law?unacceptable.

(End of this chapter)

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