Chapter 1706
Zhou Guifang heard Xiaoying crying, and hurried back to the house. Seeing the child sitting on the ground, with blood on his forehead, tearful, he wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry, so he immediately hugged her in distress.
"Mom, are the bean packs ready? I'm still in a hurry to get on the train!"

Zhao Jinchuan hugged Xiaoying when his mother came in, and called her angrily without even looking at Xiaoying.

"Xiaoying is only four years old, it's fine for outsiders to bully her, but you are her own uncle, how could you treat her like this?"

No matter how much Zhou Guifang spoiled her youngest son, Zhao Jinchuan remained indifferent when she saw her granddaughter bleeding from the head. She was also disappointed with her second son.

"Blame me? She fell down by herself, and I can still look at her?"

Zhao Jinchuan answered with confidence, and he didn't feel that he was wronged at all.

Xiaoying looked at her uncle timidly, not daring to say that he pushed her down, for fear of being sent back to grandma's house.

"Come on, Xiaoying, grandma will wrap it for you."

Zhou Guifang was too lazy to talk to Zhao Jinchuan, and carried Xiaoying into the east room.

Zhao Jinchuan felt very uncomfortable standing outside, thinking that his mother treated Xiaoying better than him.

Glancing at the east room where the door was closed, he narrowed his eyes, strode into the elder brother's room with big strides, and locked the door behind him.

In the Zhou family, Lu Sihui cooked six dishes, and Zhou Zixu warmly greeted Zhao Jinchen and his wife to the table for dinner.

The old man was happy, and he also drank a couple of baijiu. During the meal, there were chatter and laughter, and the laughter in the room could be heard outside the door.

No. [-] looked a little preoccupied. Sihui asked her if she was pregnant in the kitchen. She is also really worried now. The mother-in-law has asked her twice. From her expectant eyes, I can tell how much she wants to have a grandson .

But she didn't have any news from her stomach, which worried her to death.

Lu Sihui put fish-flavored shredded pork into her bowl, and smiled to persuade her to eat more.

"Sihui, Yanhong, I'm so envious of you."

No. [-] bit his chopsticks and whispered something, facing the delicious food, he didn't have much appetite.

"What are you envious of? You have it now!"

Lu Sihui laughed and teased her. Seeing that she was depressed before, she asked the robot to help her find out that she was pregnant on the [-]st, but the month was still a little too young, only one month, and she didn't know it yet!
"Stop teasing me."

Number One glanced at her, knowing that Sihui was doing it for her own good, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Really, I can feel the pulse. When you handed me something just now, I felt it. I have been pregnant for a month."

Lu Sihui's smile deepened, and she directly said the month.

"Sihui, when will you feel your pulse?"

However, Mr. Zhou said inappropriately at this time, he didn't remember his granddaughter-in-law having this ability.

"Self-taught, isn't it uncomfortable to stay at home every day? I read two medical books."

Lu Sihui didn't panic at all, anyway, there are all kinds of books in Grandpa's study, so she can say anything.

"Come on! All you read are technical books, and the medical books are all dusty, and you can't tell a lie well."

The old man once again exposed Sihui mercilessly.


Lu Sihui looked at her grandfather helplessly, he had a happy drink today, why did he talk so much?
In addition, isn't the old man's observation too subtle?
"Don't give people hope, disappointment is hard."

Instead, Mr. Zhou became serious and began to teach Lu Sihui a lesson.

No. [-] looked at Sihui in embarrassment, causing her to be talked about, and felt very embarrassed.

On the contrary, Zhao Jinchen took a deep look at Lu Sihui, thinking that she would not be aimless, and she couldn't say anything that was uncertain, so she felt more hopeful.

(End of this chapter)

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