Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1707 She is more than one stone

Chapter 1707 She kills many birds with one stone

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law with a smile. He had the same thought as Zhao Jinchen. Sihui was usually cold and she would never say things that she was not sure about.

Even if it's a white lie, it's only based on a basis.
Otherwise, as Grandpa said, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, it is absolutely impossible for Sihui to make such a joke.

Especially No. [-], she has a similar personality to her, and she has a deep sense of camaraderie, and she is not as tired as women, who gossiping about nothing.

"Jin Chen, come on, do it."

Zhou Zixu picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Zhao Jinchen. Except for a couple of drinks for his grandfather, the two brothers drank the rest of the bottle of raw grain wine.

"Eat more vegetables."

Mr. Zhou gave Zhao Jinchen meat to eat, but he was very enthusiastic.

"Thank you grandpa."

Zhao Jinchen hurriedly stood up to thank him, this is the old leader, he has no airs at all, he respects his old man very much.

"Both of you drink slowly, my old man is here, you have restraint."

Old man Zhou stood up with a smile, full of wine and food, and gave way to the young man.

After he left, Zhao Jinchen and No. [-] were obviously much more relaxed.

"Zixu, Li Lanni has been sentenced. After 15 years, she is finished in this life."

After Zhao Jinchen drank all the wine in his glass, he began to talk about Li Lanni.

"What I want to know is, did she poison me, or your family?"

Lu Sihui looked at Zhao Jinchen.

"She said that she heard my daughter-in-law tell me that the bean bag was for you outside my house, so she ran home and took the rat poison she bought in the summer, hated her in-laws, and framed him by wearing her father-in-law's shoes, and then put the rest of the mice Put the medicine in her mother-in-law's kang cabinet. According to her, you can put the blame on my family if you are poisoned to death. Without a supporter, she can bully her in turn, by the way, in the hospital, she pretended to scare her mother-in-law, scaring her into paralysis."

Zhao Jinchen didn't feel any fear when dealing with so many criminals, but this Li Lanni was simply frightening.

In the past, this is the best candidate for a bad actor.

"This woman, this IQ?"

Zhou Zixu burst out laughing, that's too thief. He kills two birds with one stone, but she kills many birds with one stone.

"It's only been 15 years."

Lu Sihui shrugged, not many people were killed.

"It's strange to say that she had to blame her illness when she entered the fence. Every day, she either said this pain or that pain. She didn't feel sick after the examination, and she didn't look like she was faking it. The pain made her sweat profusely. Boom Hitting the wall with a bang, I didn’t know it, I thought it was hitting a ghost!”

Zhao Jinchen shook his head, picked up the wine bottle to see that it was out of wine, and poured himself a cup of tea.

"Fake it, she must be faking it, don't be fooled."

How did Zhou Zixu know that it was his wife's fault?He insisted that Li Lanni was just pretending.

Lu Sihui lowered her head halfway, pursed her lips, and took a sip of tea, it was so sweet
After dinner, Zhou Zixu proposed to send Zhao Jinchen off, but he stopped him.

"Stay well at home with your wife and children! It will take two years to go to Junguan School this time!"

Zhao Jinchen waved his hand and refused, the cool breeze hit his face, his head was much clearer, and he could go home by bike.

"Then go slowly, don't send it off."

When Zhou Zixu heard this, he felt uncomfortable, and he was reluctant to leave home, even the official school.

He waved to Zhao Jinchen and watched the couple leave.

Zhao Jinchen and his wife rode their bicycles home, and the speed was naturally much slower due to the thick snow. Halfway through the journey, he saw a green figure in the distance. He squinted his eyes, feeling that the figure looked like his younger brother Jin Chuan?

(End of this chapter)

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