Chapter 1709

"Clap clap."

No. [-] raised his hand and slapped her face twice. How could she be a sister-in-law, yet he scolded her for being shameless?
"My parents didn't hit me, how dare you hit me?"

Zhao Jinchuan was furious. Today, he was slapped first by his father and then by Zhou Zixu. Now his sister-in-law dares to do something to him?
He can't mess with others. He has never paid attention to this woman. He shouted loudly and raised his hands, just wanting to slap No. [-] a few times, just to vent his anger on her.

With a cold face, No. [-] raised his hand to grab his wrist, flipped his hand above, tripped his foot below, and threw Zhao Jinchuan into the snow.

"I usually see you as Jinchen's younger brother, and I don't want to talk to you. Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

No. [-] walked over, Zhao Jinchuan hurriedly got up, his hands and face were covered with snow, he didn't see how this woman moved just now?Just throw him on the ground, there is no chance to fight back at all?

A hero does not suffer from immediate losses, he gets up and hides behind.

"Take off the coat. This is your elder brother's souvenir. Whoever you pass will wear it? Also, casually entering other people's rooms. Is this what you learned in college? What about education? You can't just eat ?”

No. [-] didn't intend to let him go like this, and endured it for a first month, but he was afraid that his in-laws would get angry, and it would be difficult for Jin Chen to do so.

Now, without asking for it, he secretly took the coat that Jin Chen was reluctant to wear?
In the past, he took Zhao Jinchuan's arm, intending to take off his coat and teach him a lesson.

"What are you doing? Brother, take care of this crazy woman, she is taking off my clothes."

Zhao Jinchuan waved his hands to resist, and at the same time shouted to his elder brother for help.

"Wen Qian, forget it."

Zhao Jinchen came over and pulled Ye Wenqian up. If people in the village saw this scene, they would definitely gossip.

"What is it? You kept this coat as a souvenir, why did he take it away without saying a word? Usually, he asks for money like a vampire, and it's too little to give twenty, and it's a trouble for a first month. Forget it, let me bear it, I will I can bear it, but now he is taking our things casually, can this be tolerated?"

Ye Wenqian became angry, and she didn't show any face to Jin Chen, and questioned him in a cold voice.

"My mother gave it to me, and my mother asked me to wear it."

Zhao Jinchuan was afraid that his elder brother would be shaken, so he shouted while running.

He didn't forget to carry his bag, he didn't dare to go back and confront him, otherwise he would have to reveal his secrets, so it's better to slip away first.

"never mind."

Zhao Jinchen grabbed his wife, and Ye Wenqian slammed his hand off.

"Mom can't do it, you have to go through us, right?"

She is quite stubborn and has a little temper. She hates anyone who takes her belongings without permission.

"Aren't we not at home? A coat, don't be angry."

Zhao Jinchen sighed, he also had opinions on what his mother did.

"No one is usually there, and I don't go into your 1. Mom's room. Neither of us is at home. How can your 1. Mom go through our closet without permission?"

No. [-] shook off his hand and questioned her angrily. In her opinion, this was disrespect.

"Wen Qian."

Zhao Jinchen helplessly called out to her, Mom did something wrong, he will talk about her when he goes back.

But the daughter-in-law reacted too much.

Ye Wenqian looked at him disappointedly, took a deep breath, and felt that going home was also a conflict.

Glancing towards the main road, he saw that Zhao Jinchuan was walking faster than a rabbit, and he would look back gloatingly from time to time, as if he hoped that the two of them would fight.

In this case, she couldn't speak calmly at all, and there was no guarantee that she would be calm when she went home.

"I'll go back to work."

Throwing down a sentence coldly, he walked towards the unit.

(End of this chapter)

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