Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1710 He took what he shouldn't have

Chapter 1710 He took what he shouldn't have

Zhao Jinchen is well aware of No. [-]'s temper. Now that she is angry, she insists on taking her home, and will directly question her mother. When the time comes, everyone will be unhappy.

No. [-] walked to the intersection, narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Jinchuan who was not far away, just in time to see him walking backwards, looking at himself with a gloating smile.

That smile looks so eye-catching
Zhao Jinchen went home on his bicycle. When he got home, he saw Xiaoying's head was covered and her eyes were swollen from crying.

"Xiaoying, what's wrong with your head?"

At this time, he didn't expect that his younger brother did it, he thought it was Xiaoying who fell by himself.

Zhao Yaozu came back from drinking and was smoking on the kang at the moment, he thought it was Xiaoying who fell by himself.

The main reason is that Zhou Guifang looked at Xiaoying and refused to let her speak.

Now the second child also left, she didn't care for a while, and ran out to borrow some shoes, Zhao Jinchen and his son and Xiaoying were the only ones at home.

"My uncle pushed it."

When Xiaoying saw her uncle, she threw herself into his arms aggrieved. It was better for her uncle and aunt to treat her well, but my uncle was too cruel to her.

"What? Your uncle beat you?"

When Zhao Yaozu heard that it was his youngest son who beat Xiaoying, he immediately became angry. He knocked the pipe and pot in his hand to the ground, jumped off the kang, and turned back and forth on the ground barefoot.

"The older the second child, the worse he is. It wasn't like this before! You said that you went to college and didn't learn well, so why did you learn all kinds of problems? Even children are bullied."

Xiaoying has no mother, and the whole family looks up to her, but the second child usually looks down on this child, dislikes the child for eating too much, and dislikes his family for helping the Zhou family raise the child.

But he hasn't done anything yet, it's tolerable, now it's all right, it's too much to beat the child with his hands.

"Dad, don't make yourself mad."

If Jinchuan was in front of him at this time, Zhao Jinchen would definitely beat him up, but seeing his father so angry, he could only persuade him not to make the old man angry again.

"It's all because I have no way to teach my son."

Zhao Yaozu swung his fist angrily and hit the edge of the kang. If the second child was at home, he would definitely beat him up.

"Zixu and Sihui came to visit our house, and they were also run away by this brat."

Zhao Yaozu only talked about Zixu's arrival now, because he was afraid that the boss would be angry.

"I heard what Zixu said."

Zhao Jinchen sighed, holding Xiaoying in his arms, thinking whether he should send her to the hospital. Mom used rags from home to bandage her, which was unhygienic and had bacteria.

"Uncle took everything away."

Xiaoying suddenly said, she didn't get any of those big white rabbit toffee, she was so wronged.

"Tell me, why did the second child become like this?"

Zhao Yaozu covered his heart angrily, Zixu bought a lot of things, it was all human favors, the second child actually took them all away without saying a word?

"never mind."

Zhao Jinchen was also angry, but he was afraid that he would say that his father was angry, because he was angry last time.

Just a little food and drink, nothing more.

"How do you look after the house?"

Seeing his wife push the door open, Zhao Yaozu went over and grabbed her arm and questioned her.

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Guifang was frightened by her wife. She glanced at Xiaoying and glared at her. The child was so frightened that he lowered his head and dared not make a sound.

"Don't look at the child, the second child broke Xiaoying's head, why do you still say she did it by herself?"

Seeing his wife glaring at Xiaoying, Zhao Yaozu became even angrier and yelled at her.

"Jin Chuan didn't hit Xiaoying, he just pushed him, and the child didn't stand still."

Zhou Guifang is still defending Jinchuan.

"Where's that thing! Where's the alcohol and tobacco brought by Zixu?"

Zhao Yaozu pushed her angrily, it's not a good thing for a loving mother to lose her son.

"Jin Chuan brought it to the teacher."

"Mom, he still took what he shouldn't have."

(End of this chapter)

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