Chapter 1711
Ye Wenqian's cold voice and Zhao Jinchuan's screams came from outside the door.

"Wen Qian, you are a sister-in-law, how can you do this?"

Seeing his daughter-in-law violently pushing his son to the ground, and looking at Jin Chuan again, his nose was bleeding all over his face and the corners of his mouth were bruised, Zhou Guifang lifted his son up distressedly, and yelled at Ye Wenqian in dissatisfaction.

"Mom, she hit me, tigress, you can't have her."

When he got home, with his mother backing him up, Zhao Jinchuan hid behind his mother, crying and shouting to drive Ye Wenqian away.

"Brother, what kind of daughter-in-law did you find to beat me?"

Not only talking to his .1 mother, but also yelling at his eldest brother. The posture was to want Zhao Jinchen and Ye Wenqian to divorce.

Zhao Yaozu frowned. He was not in a hurry to express his opinion. He knew the character of his daughter-in-law. There was no reason why he couldn't beat the second child.

Zhao Jinchen looked at his wife, waiting for her to speak.

Knowing No. [-], he thought she would not hit her younger brother aimlessly. After all, he had already left. It must be Jin Chuan who did something to make No. [-] angry, so he hit him.

After all, her personality is the same as Sihui's, she is a person who does not tolerate sand in her eyes.

"Wen Qian, no matter what you say, you can't hit Jinchuan! People in the village saw it, so what should they say about you being sisters-in-law?"

Zhou Guifang felt sorry for her son and blocked his nose with a towel. The blood soon stained the towel red. After seeing it, she became even angrier and stared at Ye Wenqian to teach her a lesson.

"Mom, he stole the money I was planning to buy a house, isn't it wrong to beat him?"

Ye Wenqian did not keep silent as usual, she raised her eyebrows and stared at Zhao Jinchuan coldly.

"What? Did you take your sister-in-law's money?"

Zhao Yaozu raised his voice, this is a matter of character.

It is absolutely unacceptable to go to other people's houses to get money without the consent of the eldest couple.

"Second brother, how can you do such a thing?"

Zhou Guifang looked at Zhao Jinchuan in disbelief. Her son was her pride and the only college student in Shantun.

How could it be possible to steal money?

Zhao Jinchuan didn't dare to raise his head, his eyes were rolling around in his sockets, and he couldn't admit it even if he was beaten to death. Fortunately, the money was already in the hands of his sister-in-law, so he said it was fine if he didn't take it.

"I didn't take it, and my sister-in-law beat me because I was wearing a big brother's coat."

After making up his mind, he raised his head and yelled, he was only wearing a coat, and it was her fault for doing it.

"I understand my daughter-in-law, just wear my clothes, she won't hit you."

Zhao Jinchen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke in a deep voice, his eyes were as sharp as a sharp knife, and he slashed towards his younger brother.

"Do you trust this woman, but don't you trust me? Ever since I was a child, have I ever taken money?"

Zhao Jinchuan was startled, he didn't expect his eldest brother to shout at that woman, but he was a little bit harsh.

"Why is this 320 five yuan in your pocket?"

Ye Wenqian took out a handful of money from her pocket and threw it on the ground. Her pretty face was full of chills. If she didn't find out about this matter today, at worst she would get divorced and never set foot in Zhao's house again.

It's disgusting to be able to lose money in your own home.

Zhao Jinchuan looked at the money on the ground, panic flashed in his eyes, but he calmed down immediately.

"The money is in your pocket, you ask me?"

This is completely a rascal's face, Ye Wenqian was trembling with anger, clenched her fists tightly, and wanted to hit this shameless uncle severely.

"Wen Qian, what are you doing? We are all a family, you can't treat your uncle like this."

Zhou Guifang was afraid that her daughter-in-law would kill her when she saw it, so she quickly opened her hands to protect her son.

"Jin Chen, do you trust him or me?"

(End of this chapter)

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