Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1720 I Have a Surprise for You

Chapter 1720 I Have a Surprise for You
Lu Sihui blushed a little, she never called Zixu before, she thought it was too sticky for an old husband and wife, and he was busy at work when he didn't come back.

Today, because of that sweater, she felt different from usual. After eating, she looked at her watch, sat on the sofa and played chess with grandpa, but her eyes were fixed on the door.

Looking forward to Zixu's immediate appearance at the door, with a hearty smile, telling her that I'm back.

However, waiting for him not to come back, waiting for him not to come back, Lu Sihui couldn't sit still,

Mr. Zhou could see that Mrs. Sun was absent-minded today, so he took a horse and beat him.

"Sihui! I'm really worried about Zixu, so I'll give him a call."

The old man directly occupied Lu Sihui's lair, which means he has won. He threw away the pawn and asked her to make a phone call.

"Grandpa, I'm not worried."

Lu Sihui blushed, embarrassed to admit it.

"Go! Can Grandpa worry?"

Mr. Zhou smiled, and took the matter directly to himself, giving Sihui a step down.

Lu Sihui was driven to the shelf to make a call, but, she got connected, and she didn't know what to say?

"Hey, Sihui, are you still listening?"

Zhou Zixu was worried, did he say something that made Sihui angry?
You shouldn't be joking, Sihui cares about him, so why don't you just go back right away?
"Zixu, come back quickly! I have a surprise for you."

Lu Sihui plucked up her courage, it was always Zixu who compromised and coaxed her, this time she also wanted to follow him and coax Zixu.

"Really? I'll be right back."

Zhou Zixu over there heard it, as if he had won first-class merit, he jumped off the table happily, put down the phone, put on his hat, and strode out of the office.

"Vice Minister, I have something to report."

As soon as he went out, Zhang Changshui ran over to salute. Zhou Zixu rolled his eyes and waved his hands impatiently.

"Say, don't delay my business."

"That's right, Huang Yaomei is sick, can I ask for a day off tomorrow?"

"Hey, she's sick, how do you know?"

Zhou Zixu slapped him directly on the forehead, that was a lesbian, it was time to turn off the lights and go to sleep, how could he be so clear?


Zhang Changshui rubbed his forehead. Just when he went to the water room, he saw Huang Yaomei pouring hot water into the hot water bag, and then she was pale and clutching her stomach. He asked her to go to the health center, but she couldn't die.

Zhang Changshui was afraid that tomorrow's training would be as intense as today's, so he ran to Zhou Zixu to see if he could not let her participate and let her go to the doctor.

It was only when Zhou Zixu asked him that he was dumbfounded, and then he remembered that the lights were turned off, and he and Huang Yaomei were meeting outside, so it's not clear why?
Blushing, she explained to Zhou Zixu: "I went to the water room and saw her pale face, clutching her belly, so I came to report to you."

"Take her to the clinic! I'll settle the score with you tomorrow for sneaking out of the dormitory at night."

Zhou Zixu waved his hand, with a smile hidden in his eyes, saying this on purpose.

He is married, so he naturally knows that a woman will have a stomachache during menstruation, and he also knows that Zhang Changshui is not lying, but he still has to deal with him.

Only after getting rid of him, Huang Yaomei will feel distressed and know her true thoughts.

Is he helping the brat, or helping him in a thankless way.


As long as Zhang Changshui can help Huang Yaomei ask for leave, he will be satisfied. As for punishing him, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After saluting, he ran away happily.

Zhou Zixu looked down at his watch, and cursed: "Stinky boy, I was delayed by 2 minutes, and my wife is still waiting for me to go home! See how I will deal with you tomorrow?"

(End of this chapter)

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