Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1721 My brother is still inferior

Chapter 1721 My brother is still inferior

Get in the car and start the engine. The car has been frozen for a long time, and it is very difficult to start the fire. Zhou Zixu is very angry. Why is the more anxious today, the more accidents happen?

"Deputy Minister, may I find someone to push the cart for you?"

Zhang Changshui ran to the water room, saw that Huang Yaomei had gone back, and heard the sound of the gas pedal, he thought this was a good opportunity to flatter him, maybe the deputy minister would not punish him tomorrow if he was happy.

"Why are you still in a daze? Go!"

Zhou Zixu glared at him. His proposal was undoubtedly a good one, and he yelled at him, only saying that he was not doing anything fake.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Zhang Changshui started to run in big strides. Why does he feel that the deputy minister is more anxious today than every day?

Since Lu Sihui put down the phone, she kept looking at her watch. Mr. Zhou held back a smile and stood up on crutches.

"My old man is getting old, you wait for Zixu! I'm going to bed."

"Grandpa, I'll support you."

Lu Sihui hurriedly stood up and wanted to help her grandfather, but he waved her hand to stop her.

"I'm not too old to come upstairs! You go and see the children."

"Yes, Grandpa."

From the first time I met her, my grandfather supported me unconditionally, and Sihui has a deep affection for her grandfather.

After watching him go upstairs, I went to my brother's room to take a look at him and found that he was still studying.

"Jianguo, why aren't you sleeping?"

Sitting next to her younger brother, Lu Sihui suddenly felt that she cared too little for her younger brother.

Every time he was in danger, he tried his best to protect her, even though the protection didn't have much effect.

But she was still touched.

His ribs were broken by being kicked by Minister Wu. That night, she just let the robot relieve his pain, and did not connect the ribs immediately, although it was to clean up Captain Wu.

But I still felt sorry for my brother and let him lie in the hospital for a week.

"Sister, school will start soon. I have to finish the homework that I left behind, and I want to review it again. It will be too late to review in the third year of high school."

When Lu Jianguo saw his sister coming, he put down his pen excitedly. His sister seldom came to his room, let alone cared about him as much as today, which made him a little flattered.

"You are already very good. If Mom and Mom know that her son is so good, they will be very happy."

Lu Sihui looked at her younger brother with a strange feeling in her heart, like her closest relative.

What I want to talk about is his sister, the sister who has disappeared.

She took her body, where did the original owner Li Sihui go?
"Well, sister, I want to honor you. It was you who brought me out of the miserable life. If I was still in the backing village, I wouldn't even have the chance to go to school."

The corners of Lu Jianguo's eyes were moist. He is a young man now, and he knows many things clearly in his heart, but he has never had the opportunity to talk to his sister.

"Okay, I'll wait for our Jianguo to become college students."

Lu Sihui smiled. She didn't like to be provocative. She stood up and patted her younger brother on the shoulder. After saying a few words, she wanted to leave.

"Sister, I want to be as strong as you."

Lu Jianguo plucked up the courage to tell his sister that his brother-in-law had said many times before that he would train him, but each time he only trained for a day or two, and was delayed because he was busy.

He himself can only run to keep his body healthy, and nothing else.

Not being able to protect his sister made him feel useless.

Lu Sihui stared at her younger brother for a while, and found that under her gaze, he became more and more timid, and finally lowered his head as if he had done something wrong.

Feeling very uncomfortable, he still has low self-esteem, why didn't he discover this earlier?
"Get up early tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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