Chapter 1730

Lu Sihui looked at Mingyuan; ran away, the corner of her mouth pursed: "What do children know?"

Although she likes Mingyuan, she doesn't want to decide her daughter's fate just like this. She still wants to wait until she grows up and has her own ideas.

When we arrived at the backyard, there was basically no one there. In summer, there were people playing basketball. In winter, adults rarely came to the backyard except for shopping for children.

"Just here!"

Lu Sihui kicked the snow on the ground, Lu Jianguo hurried over to help, and the two sisters made a small training ground.

"When fighting, the strength of the legs is the greatest, and the enemy cannot get close, followed by the elbows."

Lu Sihui didn't want to teach her younger brother the five-element boxing in his unit. What she taught him was the most effective way to defeat the enemy that she had summed up after fighting zombies for many years.

Lu Jianguo studied very seriously, and his eyes were always excited.

His brother-in-law also taught him boxing skills, but it was not as practical as his sister's teaching. He watched with good eyes, and saw his sister flying up in the air, kicking on a big tree, turning over with a kite, and landing neatly on the ground, his posture was extremely handsome.

"Mom is great."

"Auntie is so handsome."

Lu Jianguo hadn't had time to applaud his sister yet!Four little ones came over there, and they all looked at Lu Sihui adoringly.

The children have only seen how powerful their father is. This is the first time they see their mother teaching others, and they are even more handsome than their father.

Wang Mingyuan ran to Lu Sihui's side with bright eyes, raised his head and asked her in admiration: "Auntie, can you be my instructor?"

"Didn't you let my uncle be your instructor?"

Zhou Dongsheng exposed him with a stern face, with disgust in his eyes.

"I can recognize two instructors."

Wang Mingyuan clenched his fists, showing no sign of embarrassment, and replied with a cold face.

This kid was originally a little bully, and no one looked down on him, but now in the family building, there are people he admires.

He must learn from them.

As for Xiao Dongsheng, he didn't care about it, and if he couldn't do it, he just punched him. There was no one he was afraid of when fighting.

"Okay, you guys go to practice running first, and come back to basic training after running three laps, don't make trouble now."

Lu Sihui lectured them both with a sullen face, she didn't understand why Dongsheng was so hostile to Mingyuan?


When facing Dong Sheng, Xiao Mingyuan still raised his eyebrows and looked arrogant, but when facing Lu Sihui, he was the most obedient comrade.

Following the example of standing friends saluting, he saluted Sihui, and then ran first, holding his small fists on his waist, and his running posture was absolutely standard.

Lu Sihui looked at his figure with a smile, this is definitely the comrade brought out by Zixu, he is well-thought-out and talented.

Lu Jianguo had no foundation, so he was very stupid when learning, but he studied seriously, and if a posture was wrong, he could practice repeatedly without being impatient at all.

Lu Sihui looked at him, her younger brother was too soft, it would be good to learn some self-defense skills.

Otherwise, according to his personality, he could only be bullied.

From that day on, until Lu Jianguo started school, Lu Sihui taught him. In ten days, Lu Jianguo learned well.

Today, he was going to report to the school. Lu Sihui got up early to make dumplings for his younger brother.

It's been a week since she left, and they are always together these days, she seems a little bit reluctant to leave her brother.

"Sihui, do you know that I'm going to Junguan School today?"

Zhou Zixu went downstairs to the dining room, looked at the chubby dumplings on the table, and asked in a deep voice.

Originally, I wanted to tell her after dinner. After all, leaving this time is not like every time. It will take two years. Although I can come back in the middle, I still feel reluctant.

"Are you leaving today? Why didn't you tell me last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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