Chapter 1731
Lu Sihui frowned when she heard Zixu's words, no wonder Zixu was tender and affectionate to her last night, as if he didn't love enough, so he was leaving?

It felt like a piece was suddenly missing in my heart, which was very uncomfortable.

"Well, let's go today."

Zhou Zixu looked at her with inseparable eyes, and he didn't wait to leave!I feel like I'm starting to miss her.

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday? So I can help you pack your luggage?"

Lu Sihui felt uncomfortable, her voice became low and low, and she looked at him with complaints and reluctance.

"I just packed my luggage."

Zhou Zixu's Adam's apple rolled a few times, seeing the reluctance in his daughter-in-law's eyes, his heart seemed to be grasped by a pair of invisible big hands, and he felt an indescribable feeling.

He raised his hand to help the daughter-in-law tuck the strands of hair scattered around her cheeks behind her ears, and pressed her big hands against her cheeks, reluctant to move away.

Seeing her rosy and pure like a cherry, he really wanted to poke her hard.

"You even pack your luggage yourself?"

Lu Sihui patted his hand off, with anger in her eyes, she is his wife, and he won't let her do this for him?

"Well, I still want to eat a meal you cooked."

Zhou Zixu Gouchun smiled, pointed to the dumplings on the table and said to her.

"I can help you clean up last night."

Lu Sihui sipped the tea, suppressing the soreness in her heart, this was not going for a few days, but for two years.

"I had important things to do last night."

Zhou Zixu said to his daughter-in-law with his lips, and there was a lot of meaning in his eyes.

Lu Sihui's face turned red when she saw it, she glared at him, and pointed to the dumplings on the table: "You eat first, I'll go and see what else is missing in your luggage?"

"I've brought them all. Just stay here and keep me company."

Zhou Zixu grabbed her and held her tightly, not letting her disappear from his sight.

"I'll be right back."

Lu Sihui took a deep breath, looked into his affectionate eyes, and really didn't want to leave.


Zhou Zixu finally let go, Lu Sihui raised her hand, and saw that it was grandpa and elder brother who had come to eat.

"Grandpa, let's eat!"

The sorrow of parting on Zhou Zixu's face disappeared, replaced by a bright smile, and thoughtfully helped grandpa move the chair away.

"Zixu, you have to cherish this opportunity. Grandpa hopes that in two years, you, the deputy minister, will become the minister."

Grandpa Zhou looked at his little grandson, he was so promising, he was proud of him, and at the same time, he gave him a plan.

"Yes, Grandpa, I will fight for a minister to come back for you, and I don't want that adverb."

Zhou Zixu's playful answer was met with a serious stare from Zhou Zisong.

"Zixu, speak well."

Zhou Zixu shrugged. The eldest brother is really old-fashioned, and he still speaks in a regular manner in his own home?

"Zixu, the canned luncheon meat my sister-in-law bought for you, you take it with you to eat in the car."

Li Yanhong knew the news that Zixu was going to leave yesterday. She heard from Zisong that she went to buy food and drink for Zixu on the way.

"Thank you sister-in-law."

Zhou Zixu was very respectful to his sister-in-law, the smile on his face disappeared, and he thanked him solemnly.

"It's a rare opportunity to study hard at Junguan School."

Zhou Zisong looked at his younger brother, and in the past few years, he saw his transformation. Although he was proud of his younger brother, he was also a bit competitive in his heart. He didn't want to be inferior to his younger brother, and he didn't want to be surpassed by him.

This is a contest between men and men, and it has nothing to do with family affection.

"I know bro."

Zhou Zixu nodded, the smile on the corner of his mouth was faint but sincere.

Lu Sihui was checking Zixu's luggage at this time, wanting to see what else she could prepare for him?
(End of this chapter)

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