Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1732 I have a chance too

Chapter 1732 I have a chance too
It turned out that Zixu was well-prepared, including both unlined and thick clothes, and the vest and shorts were neatly folded. This man didn't give himself any chance to express himself.

Feeling very depressed for no reason, how could he be like this?She is his daughter-in-law, and he doesn't let her do what she should do.

Thinking of the blue sweater I knitted for him again, because I was not in a hurry, I knit the twist needle, so it was very slow.

Turning his eyes, he made a decision in his heart, went to find the half-knitted sweater, took the wool into the space capsule, and ordered the robot to help knit it.

Then she went to find wild boar jerky, put it in a small bag and put it in her luggage, and Zixu should be able to find it when she went to Junguan School to get clothes out.

After packing the luggage, the robot over there also finished knitting the sweater. Lu Sihui held the sweater and stuck it to her face. I really want to see how handsome Zi Xu is when he puts it on.

There was a knock on the door, and Lu Sihui hung the door, so Zixu couldn't come in.


Sihui hurried over to help Zixu open the door, and seeing a tall and straight figure standing in front of the door, she took his hand and dragged him into the room.

"Why didn't you go on for so long?"

Zhou Zixu stroked his daughter-in-law's smooth hair with his big hand, and asked her gently, his thoughts were all on her, and he didn't feel good eating dumplings if he didn't see her going downstairs.

"I'm in a hurry to knit this sweater for you. Put it on! Let me see."

Lu Sihui handed the new sweater to Zixu, and looked at him with a smile in her clear water eyes, as if she had swept away the sorrow of leaving before.


Zhou Zixu looked at the sweater in her hand, snorted in a low voice, and went to unbutton the uniform with his big hands, but Lu Sihui stopped him.

Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law in astonishment, didn't he ask him to put it on?Why did you stop him again?

"I'll help you untie it."

Lu Sihui said in a low voice, and the little hand here started to move.

But when she undressed Zixu, Li Yanhong went upstairs, and Zisong asked her to go back to the room to get some money, and bring it to Zixu.

The door of Sihui's room was not closed, and when she went upstairs, she saw Lu Sihui unbuttoning Zixu, she blushed, and immediately turned and went downstairs.

My heart is beating wildly, I blame Sihui in my heart, and I have to close the door for being intimate!
After helping Zixu take off his uniform, Lu Sihui saw that he was still wearing the maroon sweater, her eyes flickered, and she reached out to help him take it off.

"I'll do it myself!"

Zhou Zixu grabbed her hand, time was limited, he took off the sweater with his big hand, and he was wearing a white shirt underneath.

Lu Sihui handed him the new sweater, and Zixu brushed it over with his big hand. This one looks better than that one, and he also likes the color.

Raise your hand to put it on, it's fat and thin, and it's also a sweetheart collar, revealing the white shirt collar, looking handsome and compelling.

"Zixu, you are so handsome."

With a smile on Lu Sihui's face, she went to help him tidy up the sweater, with indescribable love in her eyes.

"Well, I'm handsome."

Zhou Zixu returned to his stinky look again, with a naughty smile, grabbed her little hand that was pressed in front of him and put it to his mouth for a kiss, and looked at her with twinkling eyes.

Even though he had done a lot last night, he still wanted her now.

He even wanted to put her in his pocket and take her to the Junguan School.

"You wait for me, I have a chance too, I will go to you right away."

Lu Sihui laughed suddenly, she had the approval of her leader, not to have a baby, she had already reported to the Junguan School.

"Yes! I'll be waiting for you at Junguan School, we'll be classmates."

Zhou Zixu obviously thought of this too, and the corner of his mouth smiled even wider.

(End of this chapter)

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