Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1734 A touch of sadness

Chapter 1734 A touch of sadness

"Sister-in-law, help me hold the baby."

Lu Sihui handed over the child to Li Yanhong. She wanted to spend more time with Zixu, so she ran to ask Zisong for the car keys and took Zixu to the station instead of him.

Zhou Zisong hesitated for a moment. Seeing his grandfather looking at him, Zixu also stared at him. He squeezed Bao Chun and took out the car keys from his coat pocket.

"Thank you bro."

Lu Sihui smiled, took the car keys, looked at Zixu, and raised her hand at him with a smile on her lips.

"I am leaving."

Zhou Zixu watched his grandfather wave his hand, and strode towards the door. He kept looking at Sihui with his dark eyes. When he arrived at the door, he didn't care if his elder brother and the others were watching. He directly held Sihui's hand, and the two walked out like that. .

"Seeing their good relationship, grandpa is happy."

Mr. Zhou looked at the backs of the two of them with a smile, and said something in a low voice.

Zhou Zisong's eyes flickered, and he glanced at his wife, who was also looking at him.

Zhou Zixu wanted to drive, but Lu Sihui refused.

"I'll see you off, but let me drive, and you sit."

She ordered domineeringly, opened the door of the cab and sat on it.

Zhou Zixu shook his head with a smile, put his luggage in the back seat, went around, got into the car from the co-pilot, and sat next to Sihui.

"You drive, don't make me late, the train doesn't wait for anyone."

Zhou Zixu looked sideways at his daughter-in-law and joked with her.

"Don't worry, I'm faster than the train."

Lu Sihui looked at him confidently, and turned the car key.

In winter, the car has to be started for a while before it can drive away. Zixu took advantage of this time to look at his wife affectionately.

Why does he have a feeling in his heart that he won't be able to see him? This feeling makes him very uncomfortable.

The big hand went over, took her hand holding the gear shifter, and looked at her with deep eyes.

"What are you doing? It's not like I can't see you anymore."

Lu Sihui turned her face and smiled at him, feeling that something was wrong with Zixu today, she felt a little uncomfortable, why did she look like she was parting from life and death?
"Well, yes, I will come back to see you on August [-]th."

Zhou Zixu smiled, and also felt that his performance today was a bit outrageous, so he let go and gave his wife a date.

"That will take several months!"

Lu Sihui sipped her sips, it's only February now, more than half a year away from August [-]th!

"It will be here in the blink of an eye. Don't forget that we have been married for more than five years."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law. It has been more than five years since he first met her, and his affection for her has only increased.

"Yes! More than five years."

Lu Sihui smiled, held the steering wheel with both hands, and stepped on the accelerator.

Along the way, the couple fell silent, no one spoke, and a faint sorrow of parting floated in the car.

"Zixu, let me sing you a song!"

Lu Sihui spoke suddenly, Zhou Zixu looked at her with a smile and nodded, "Okay, I haven't heard you sing for a long time."

Lu Sihui glanced sideways at him, their eyes met in the air, and they smiled knowingly at each other.

"Send station friends, embark on a journey."

Lu Sihui sang a farewell song, this song was full of the reluctance of parting, it was her current mood.

Zhou Zixu held her big hand tightly, and after she sang it for the first time, he also hummed along.

His voice is very suitable for singing, deep and magnetic, and he sang all the friendship in the song.

"Silence and two lines of tears."

The two sang together to this point, and then stopped together.


After the sound of a sudden brake, the jeep stopped on the side of the road, Lu Sihui threw herself into Zixu's arms, Zhou Zixu hugged her forcefully, and the two of them hugged fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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