Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1735 The reluctance in the eyes

Chapter 1735 The reluctance in the eyes
Zhou Zixu hugged his daughter-in-law tightly, wishing he could rub her into his chest so that they wouldn't be separated.

"Let's go!"

Zhou Zixu reluctantly let go of Sihui's purity, looked down at Sihui in his arms, her pink face was like a bright red peach blossom, her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, without the clarity of the past.

She looked at him, the reluctance in her eyes made him feel distressed.

"Well, let's go."

Lu Sihui lowered her eyes and used her long eyelashes to hide the reluctance in her eyes, restarted the car, and the jeep sped towards the train station.

Zhou Zixu kept looking sideways at his daughter-in-law, she focused on the front, and never looked at him again.

The tight squeeze revealed her mood at the moment.

"Sihui, I'll be waiting for you at Junguan School."

Zhou Zixu opened his mouth suddenly, and issued an invitation in a low voice. He wanted to divert the sorrow of leaving, and let the two of them look forward to the reunion in the special school, so that there would be hope.

"Wait for me, I'll find you."

Lu Sihui turned her face to look at him, her voice was firm, and her gaze was firm.

The train station was crowded and overcrowded with children crying and adults yelling, and there was a long queue at the ticket gate.

Zixu's ticket has been bought long ago, so he can just wait for the ticket inspection and get on the bus.

Zhou Zixu was carrying his luggage, and Lu Sihui was beside him. It was still early, so we could talk for a while.

There are benches in the ticket office, and many passengers are sitting in rows, all waiting for the train, and the ground is full of luggage, melon seed skins, candy wrappers, fruit cores, etc.

In winter, there is no heating in the waiting room, it is somewhat cold, and there is a white breath when speaking.

"Sihui, sit here!"

Zhou Zixu finally found a seat next to him, and as soon as he called Sihui to sit down, someone rushed over and took the seat.

Lu Sihui glanced at her sideways, and saw that she was a woman in her 40s, dressed in average, ordinary blue cotton jacket, which should be the work clothes her man issued in the factory.

"Come here, there is a seat here."

The woman not only snatched a seat, but also threw her luggage on the seat next to her, stood up, and yelled at the crowd.

Zhou Zixu wanted to come forward to teach her a lesson, but was held back by Lu Sihui, but it was just a seat, and within a few minutes, he would not die of exhaustion if he didn't sit.

"Zixu, forget it, I'll drive right away, I'll stay here with you."

Lu Sihui's words aroused the dissatisfaction of the woman, she glared at Zhou Zixu, and shouted loudly: "What are you looking at? You are so amazing? Is this seat written with your name? Whoever sits first will own it."

Zhou Zixu's eyes widened, his violent temper couldn't bear this.

"Zixu, ignore her."

Lu Sihui pulled him back, and gave the woman a cold look, grab a seat if you want!Still so horizontal?
"Mom, you are really good at it."

A young man ran over joltingly, with his scarf pulled down, boasting to his mother.

"That's right, these two ice hogs still want to take my seat, they really have no quality."

The woman looked at his son proudly, grabbed a handful of melon seeds from the pocket of the padded jacket, took off her scarf and sat on a chair to eat the melon seeds, still muttering, throwing the melon seed skins on Lu Sihui on purpose, squinting at them, A smug look.

"To shut up."

This time it wasn't Zhou Zixu who was angry, it was Lu Sihui who couldn't see it and pointed at her nose to teach her a lesson.

"It's just a seat. I don't want to talk to you. If you want to sit, you can sit forever. Don't babble."

Originally, when Zixu was about to leave, Sihui was upset. This woman grabbed her seat and provoked her, so she just ignored her and got angry?

"What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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