Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1736 The Wife-Guarding Mad Demon

Chapter 1736 The Wife-Guarding Mad Demon
Seeing that Lu Sihui dared to teach him a lesson, her son stood up and pointed at Lu Sihui's nose, and raised his chin, looking arrogant.


But his arrogance didn't last for a minute, and he screamed again and again, his fingers were pinched by Lu Sihui and snapped off, his painful face turned pale.

"You let go of my son."

When the woman saw her, she rushed over to scratch Lu Sihui like a bitch protecting her cub.

"Sit down, or I will break your son's hand."

Lu Sihui's eyes stood up, her sharp gaze, her cold voice, and her aura made no one dare to doubt his words.

The woman raised her hand, maintaining a scratching motion, and stood there too frightened to move.

"A seat, you just sit and sit, there is no need to be arrogant."

Lu Sihui threw the kid onto the chair and looked at him coldly.

The boy grabbed his finger and looked at her tremblingly. He felt that the head of his finger had been broken. He didn't even dare to look at Lu Sihui for fear that he would pick him up again.

"Son, are you in pain?"

The woman rushed over to look at her son distressedly, and looked at Lu Sihui angrily. She wanted to say something threatening, but after meeting her cold eyes, she was too scared to say a word.

It was her fault, she was arrogant and domineering after taking the seat, and wanted to bully Lu Sihui, but she forgot that she was an iron-blooded team member.

"Zixu, get on the bus soon, let's go and line up."

Lu Sihui glared at the woman, and pulled Zixu to remind him that she knew that with Zhou Zixu's character, he would not spare that kid.

Seeing that the mother and son were honest, she dragged Zhou Zixu towards the ticket gate.

"According to my previous temper, this kid has to lie at home for half a month."

Zhou Zixu spoke recklessly, daring to point at Sihui, is he tired of living?

Lu Sihui looked at him amusedly, and said that he was a wife-protecting maniac, obviously she could protect herself, but he just wanted to stand in front of her.

"When we go to the unit, we have a little bit of character, but when others bully us, we don't get used to him."

According to Lu Sihui's advice to men, unlike other women, she is not bullied, and so is Zixu, it is impossible for her to be wronged by going to a special school.

"Don't worry! There is no one who can bully me!"

Zhou Zixu chuckled, his daughter-in-law is the same kind of person as him, if you dare to provoke her, you will definitely regret it.

"I know, Zixu is the best."

Lu Sihui raised a smiling face and looked at him, Zhou Zixu looked at her and smiled.

"Listen to you, why do you sound like you are praising our children?"

Zhou Zixu's voice was slightly joking, of course he didn't want to equate himself with the little tiger and the little leopard.

"A good father makes a good son."

Lu Sihui didn't care about the tone she used, and insisted on praising Zixu.

She knows him well, and she likes others to praise him the most, and she is very proud.

"Okay, this top hat has to be worn. When I come back, you will be proud of me."

Zhou Zixu looked down at her with a smile, his voice was so low that only the two of them could hear it.

There was no one else in the eyes of the two of them, and the young men and women in the waiting hall were all watching them secretly. This is too affectionate, and single people can't afford to hurt them.

Married people are envious
"The train bound for City B has entered the station. Passengers, please prepare your tickets and wait at the ticket gate."

The announcer's pleasant voice sounded, Zhou Zixu shook his wife's hand vigorously, her shadow was in his black eyes.

"Go back! The three children have worked hard for you."

"Bon Voyage."

Lu Sihui reluctantly let go of his hand, watching Zixu follow the crowd to the ticket gate.

"Where's my luggage? Catch the thief!"

(End of this chapter)

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