Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1737 His Sihui is Domineering

Chapter 1737 His Sihui is Domineering
Just as Zixu walked into the ticket gate, he was waving goodbye to her, when a woman's high-pitched voice came from behind her, which Lu Sihui heard a little familiar, but when she turned her head, she saw that the woman who was spitting melon seeds on her before was Crying and shouting on the spot, clapping his legs.

A man, carrying a luggage bag, squeezed into the crowd in a hurry.

"Step aside."

Lu Sihui saw clearly that the man was suspicious, and chased after him with a stride.


She yelled at the man, and the man moved faster into the crowd.

"Stop him."

When Lu Sihui saw a few gay men, she yelled at them. After hearing this, those people also wanted to stop the thief, but when they saw the dagger he took out, they backed away in fright.

The crowd also started to riot, and the woman who threw the thing had already jumped onto the chair anxiously, pointing at the men and shouting: "Stop him! Are you men?"

Lu Sihui was speechless towards this kind of people, they were ordinary people, it was a favor to help you, it was a duty not to help you, ordinary people still don't have the guts to catch a thief with a knife.

Her speed was very fast, and she flew over with the chair in her hands, and kicked the thief down. Her kick was so strong that the thief was kicked several meters away and lay heavily on the ground. His bag fell to the ground, and the items inside were scattered. one place.

"Thank you comrade."

The son of the woman whom Zi Xu had tidied up before ran over panting and pushed away the crowd, bowed to Lu Sihui and thanked Lu Sihui, and saw that the items scattered on the ground were exactly his family's luggage.

I secretly rejoiced that the lesbian in front of him who cleaned him up just broke his hand. If he kicked him, his intestines would be broken right now. Looking at the thief, he was afraid for a while. Lu Sihui looked in awe.

Lesbians are not easy to bully, let's be honest when we meet someone who is ice in the future!Don't think about bullying others, otherwise you will find it yourself if you get cleaned up.

"Grab it."

The marshals ran over when they heard the commotion here, and Lu Sihui pointed at the thieves on the ground and ordered them.

She is the leader. Although she doesn't care about the railway area, her rank is higher than their directors, and her tone of order is fine.

"Thank you comrade for your assistance."

The railway policeman looked at the thief rolling on the ground, thanked Lu Sihui, and lamented that she was really good at ice, a delicate and weak little girl, who kicked the thief so hard that she couldn't get up.

Did not use the second foot, how powerful is this?

"You're welcome."

Lu Sihui didn't want to leave a name for her good deeds, and walked towards the station gate with her head held high under the admiring eyes of everyone.

This scene was all seen by Zi Xu, a proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, his Sihui is domineering.

"Comrade, can you go? If you stand here, we won't be able to get through!"

Some passengers protested, Zhou Zixu was blocked there with a tall man, and the people behind couldn't get through.


Seeing that Sihui had already left, Zhou Zixu apologized to the man, and walked towards the platform with big strides.

After Lu Sihui returned home, some days later, her and Li Yanhong's maternity leave expired.

The father-in-law found a new nanny, and Aunt Su looked at him like a thief. She froze the new nanny and didn't dare to move. She ordered and acted the same.

"Do you have any daughters at home?"

Aunt Su asked the other party like a political trial, while Lu Sihui pursed her lips at the side, Aunt Su was bitten by a snake once, and she was afraid of well ropes for ten years, how could she ever meet and ask someone this question?

"No, there are only three sons in my family. Does it have something to do with my work?"

(End of this chapter)

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