Chapter 1739

Director Wang strode over to greet him. According to his rank, he didn't need to come over to greet him, but these two were not just captains and vice-captains.

What's more, he admired Lu Sihui very much, her technical quality was outstanding, and it was good for her superiors to appreciate her, not to mention lesbians, even he didn't have such an opportunity.
"Hello, Director."

Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong saluted him at the same time, and the two of them automatically blended in when they returned to the work unit, with a heroic posture straight and fierce.

"Okay, the training has just started, you go to the team headquarters to report first!"

Director Wang said with a smile, he still has things to deal with here, and he is going to a meeting with his superiors, so he just greeted him, since they are all old people in the unit, there is no need to send someone to accompany him.

"Thank you, Director Wang."

Li Yanhong saluted and thanked her. She had more connections with Director Wang because she was in charge of logistics.

"Goodbye, Director Wang."

With a cold expression, Lu Sihui saluted and bid farewell to Director Wang.

"Look, everyone is training!"

After sending Director Wang away, Li Yanhong looked at the training ground excitedly, thinking day and night that she really wanted to go to training with them.

"Yeah, I'm going to see my team."

Lu Sihui put her hand on her eyebrows and looked towards the training ground. She saw Huang Yaomei and No. [-]. They obviously saw her and Li Yanhong too, because they didn't dare to make any moves during the training.

"I'll go as well."

"However, let's report first, and it's not too late to go to the training ground when we come back."

Li Yanhong looked at No. [-] excitedly, and she waved her hand. No. [-] glanced sideways at her with bright black eyes, and Gou Chun showed a slight smile, but immediately returned to a serious face, and lay down with the comrades , do push-ups.

"Okay, report, then go back to training."

Lu Sihui looked away, feeling full of prehistoric power.

The two walked towards the team headquarters, Zhou Zixu's office was alone with the leader, and the team headquarters here were full of logistics and all cadres above the unit level.

Lu Sihui also stayed in the logistics, so she is familiar with the way without Li Yanhong.

"Report." The two came to the report office and stood at the door to salute.

"Come in."

It was the instructor who managed the report, and seeing Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong, a smile appeared on their serious faces: "Are you back for vacation?"

"Yes, we came back from maternity leave and reported."

Li Yanhong had a good relationship with the instructor, and answered with a smile after saluting.

"Okay, I'll go through the formalities for you now."

The instructor sat down with a smile, and began to go through the formalities for the two of them. Lu Sihui looked out the window, her mind was on the training ground!

After the two signed, they were about to return to their respective positions. The instructor came over and shook hands with them: "Welcome back to the team."


Lu Sihui saluted and thanked her, then turned around and left the office with the steps of an iron-blooded man.

"Xiao Li, you are not in the logistics, you are too busy, just waiting for you to return to the team!"

The instructor's voice came from behind, and a smile flashed in Lu Sihui's eyes. How could such a large unit be busy because there is one less person?
When she walked out of the team headquarters, facing the cold wind, she took a deep breath, the air in the unit was refreshing.

Stepping towards the training ground, the push-ups over there have been done, and it's time to have breakfast, just to give her a little time to catch up with No. [-] and Huang Yaomei.

Seeing Lu Sihui approaching, Zhang Changshui took a step forward and gave orders to the team members.

"Everyone is there. Welcome Captain Lu back to the team."

(End of this chapter)

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