Chapter 1740
"Welcome Captain Lu back to the team."

The friends shouted in unison, and the voice resounded through the sky. Lu Sihui looked around them, her heart was full of passion, she just liked the boldness of the unit.

"thank you all."

Put your toes together, straighten your spine, salute and thank all the station friends.

"Captain Lu."

Zhang Changshui ran over with a smile, the little kid, and shook hands with Lu Sihui just like the instructor.

"Don't delay the station friends from eating because of me."

Lu Sihui stared at his outstretched hand, and now she was giving orders with a stern face, seeing Zhang Changshui wanting to withdraw his hand in embarrassment, so she smiled and shook hands with him.

Ask him with your lips: "I heard that you treat Huang Yaomei well?"


Zhang Changshui smiled, saluted Lu Sihui, and shouted loudly, he looked very happy, and the embarrassment just now was swept away.

Lu Sihui withdrew her hand, put her back behind her back, and looked at the team, Huang Yaomei was looking at them!There was a hint of anxiety in that look, probably because Zhang Changshui was anxious!

"Everyone is there, line up and go to the cafeteria to eat."

Zhang Changshui raised his voice and sternly shouted at the team.

Originally, Captain Wang was in charge. He went to the higher-level unit for a meeting, and the unit's training was handed over to him to direct. This kid really likes this feeling, ordering the three lords, it's so majestic.

Lu Sihui watched the line line up calmly, she walked directly to the front of No. [-], and followed the line to the cafeteria.

Because she got up early in the morning, she didn't have time to eat after feeding the children, and she and Yanhong both missed the feeling of eating together in the canteen of the work unit, so they came hungry.

The cafeteria is still the same as before, with green walls and long green tables. Ten people can sit on one table. Lu Sihui, No. [-] and Huang Yaomei sat on the same table in a tacit understanding.

Li Yanhong came a step late, and walked towards their table after finishing her meal. A friend at the station saw it and moved a seat knowingly to make room for Li Yanhong.

"Thank you."

Li Yanhong thanked her with a smile, but the little station friend felt embarrassed, sucked the vermicelli into it, put down the rice bowl, and saluted Li Yanhong.

"Okay, sit down and eat."

Lu Sihui glanced, saw that it was the little station guard in her team, and gave the order majestically, the little station guard was relieved, sat down and continued to eat.

"I miss you so much."

On the 1st, Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong both laughed when they saw the two of them excitedly saying something with their lips.

"Eat first, let's catch up on the old days."

Lu Sihui said something with a smile, lowered her head and picked up the steamed buns, and ate the food cleanly like a storm.

"It's delicious."

Putting down the bowl is still a little bit reluctant!Lu Sihui let out a sigh of emotion.

Huang Yaomei looked at the dishes in the bowl wonderingly, stewed potatoes and vermicelli with cabbage, meat oil, steamed buns, very ordinary meals, how could they be so delicious?
After dinner, there was half an hour of free time, and the four women chattered.

"Sihui, Yanhong, is your child already fat? Have you brought a picture?"

Number One is most interested in children, and when he leaves the cafeteria, he wants to see pictures of children.

"No, I haven't had time to take pictures yet, wait a hundred days! I must go and take pictures."

When Li Yanhong mentioned the child, her eyes lit up and her smile was gentle.

"Captain, I haven't seen your child yet!"

Huang Yaomei came over, her eyes were full of kindness, she came to Falcon just to be with Lu Sihui, she was happy to see her.

"Go to my house whenever you have time in the evening, and treat you to dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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