Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1800 Received a telegram again

Chapter 1800 Received a telegram again

Zhou Guifang opened the door and called out. She was holding two dishes, stewed pheasant with mushrooms, and fried green onions with eggs.

Lu Sihui hurriedly stood up and went over to take the food: "Auntie, let me come!"

"Auntie, I'm going to get the bowls and chopsticks."

Huang Yaomei also stood up from the stool, she was ashamed not to help.

"Okay, there are still dishes!"

Zhou Guifang smiled, and didn't stop her this time. Soon, the six dishes were placed on the table, smelling fragrant and steaming.

Finally, Zhou Guifang brought in a large plate of bean buns, looked at Lu Sihui with a smile and said, "Sihui, my aunt has been watching these bean buns all the time, so I promise they are not poisonous."

Lu Sihui laughed, the poisoning matter had a great impact.

"Then I'll eat more, and don't compete with me today."

She looked at Huang Yaomei and the others and joked, "It's like winter in Northeast China if you have bean buns."

Zhao Jinchen washed his hands and took off his apron before entering the house. He didn't wear a police uniform, only a sweater. His wire-like hair was shaved by him, and he still had the original tough guy temperament.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong said something with a smile, and Huang Yaomei saluted Zhao Jinchen over there.

"Hello Captain Zhao."

"I'm not in the unit anymore, what leadership is there?"

Zhao Jinchen shook his head, he wanted to go back, but unfortunately, he couldn't go back.

Now, he is just a criminal. 1 captain.

"Sit down, Jin Chen, do you have any wine ready?"

Zhao Yaozu waved everyone to sit down, looked at his son and asked a question.

"There is wine, and I bought soda."

Zhao Jinchen nodded, went to the cabinet and took out a bottle of Erguotou and several bottles of soda.

This was prepared for Lu Sihui and the others considering they were lesbians.

"That's right, we both drink white."

Zhao Yaozu looked at his son and felt very sad. The elder son owed him the most in his life.

Today I received a telegram from my second child again, and I asked him to send 30 yuan by mail. The excuse I made was that the school needed it and I had to pay it, otherwise I would be expelled.

When he left, he had already taken away 30 yuan, less than a month ago!It was another thirty, and he was so angry that he didn't want to give it away. The old woman cried in front of him all day, which made him very upset.

Now the eldest daughter-in-law is pregnant again, and the combined salary of the couple is only about 80 yuan, which is a big expense in the city.

There is no need to buy coal in the countryside, but if you don’t buy it in the city, you will have to freeze it.

In the countryside, you can fool yourself for a whole summer by growing your own vegetables, but in the city you will be hungry if you don’t spend money.

He had to eat something good when he was pregnant, so he really couldn't open his mouth to let the boss ask for money.

This looked worried, and Zhao Jinchen could see it, and knew that the only thing that could make Dad worry about was the second child.

He doesn't want to care about it, but his parents are old, and it hurts to see them worry.

Pick up the wine glass and fill it up for Dad first, and the number one over there holds a bottle of soda for each person, and Zhou Guifang is busy picking up food for Lu Sihui and the others.

Rural people are more enthusiastic, and they must entertain the guests before eating by themselves.

"Auntie, spring is coming soon, how are the spring planting preparations going?"

Lu Sihui just said it casually, and it should be taken as a daily chatter, otherwise the people at the table would eat in silence, which feels weird.

After hearing Sihui's words, No. [-]'s eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Zhao Jinchen. As long as the mother-in-law and the others are busy with planting springs, wouldn't they have time to come to her house?

"There is a letter saying that there is a household contract for production. I don't know if it is true or not! Now they are still in the production team. Your uncle is not the village head. He doesn't have to worry about these things. He works in the fields to earn centimeters. If he doesn't work in the fields, he has no money or food. That's it. Let's go!"

Zhou Guifang took a piece of rabbit meat for Lu Sihui and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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