Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1801 My brother has a problem with his character

Chapter 1801 My brother has a problem with his character
Rural people are no different than those in the city. They have monthly wages, and their food is basically cheap food. Except for those distributed by the production team, if they want to eat fine grains, they have to spend money to buy bargain grains.

Don't dare to be sick, there is no public medical care, life is hard!

Nowadays, all the girls in the city want to marry people from the city so that they can live a better life in the city. It is difficult for a strong guy in the countryside to find a girl he likes.

"It's best to split it up. I heard the letter too. Then everyone will have money to spare!"

Lu Sihui looked at Zhao Yaozu and smiled. At this time, the yield is very low, and there is no way to solve the pests and diseases. As long as the production is contracted to the household, she will help the Zhao family. His family will definitely have a bumper harvest by then, and there will be no pests.

As for the people in the village, there are two families that have been kind to her, and she will help, and the rest, she is not so holy.

Repaying kindness with kindness, ignoring no kindness, why can't she watch the jokes of the original owner when she was able to read them?
"That's the best. As long as you work hard, you won't run out of money."

Zhao Yaozu was looking forward to it. If he could contract production to the household, he would earn tuition fees for the second child by himself, so he could no longer drag the eldest brother down.

"That's good, I'm looking forward to it! But before that, your uncle and I have to go to the commune to earn centimeters. We can't eat enough or starve to death. It's just that the second child goes to school. I really can't afford it. When we leave I took away 30 yuan, and yesterday I sent a telegram to ask for the money, but the school said it would be expelled, Sihui, didn’t you say that universities are cultivated by the state? Why do you spend so much money! How can your uncle and I have any money?”

Zhou Guifang sighed, and while picking up a piece of chicken leg for her daughter-in-law, she chatted with Sihui.

Zhao Yaozu frowned and stared at her. Didn't he ask his son for money by saying that at the dinner table?

No. [-] couldn't help frowning, and looked at Zhao Jinchen without saying a word.

She has never been to college, so she doesn't understand why it costs so much?
Zhao Jinchen looked at his father, he didn't speak when he came, and looked preoccupied, so it was because of his younger brother?
In the past, he was willing to give money to the second child. If his parents had no money, he, the eldest brother, had to take responsibility.

But now the family is heavily in debt, and the money owed to Sihui and Zixu has not yet been repaid!He has a problem with his younger brother who can spend so much money.

This is a daughter-in-law coming in, what if there is no allowance for her?
My current monthly salary plus subsidy is only more than 40 points. I owe money to comrades in the unit, and I have to pay back a little every month.
Marrying herself on the first day, she didn't enjoy a day of blessings, and she actually helped him pay off her debts. Apart from uniforms, she didn't buy a single new dress.

The more than 300 yuan I saved before marrying him was almost stolen by my younger brother. Fortunately, the criminal police team divided the house, otherwise, if I spent money to buy it, the money might not be enough.

Later, because he didn't buy a house, he gave him all the money from his daughter-in-law, bought some necessities, and paid off the rest, leaving him with only his monthly salary.

Soon Xiaoying will be old enough to go to school. He is going to be picked up in the city and go to a primary school near his home.

Buying schoolbags, buying new clothes, and buying notebooks all cost money.

The daughter-in-law is pregnant again, and she always needs to eat some nutritious fine grains. If the grain is not enough, she has to spend money to buy bargain grains.

My parents are old and in poor health, and they can't always eat whole grains. If they get sick like last time, it will cost a lot of money.

Daughter-in-law has a baby, confinement, which one does not need money to buy milk powder?

Calculated in this way, even if you save more every month, you can save thirty or twenty.

If Zhao Jinchuan only needs 15 yuan every month, then he can agree, after all, it is enough to eat.

Most importantly, he now has doubts about his brother's character.

Steal money, lie, he does it all.

(End of this chapter)

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