Chapter 1808
Lu Sihui's watery eyes flickered slightly, and after being reminded by her grandfather, she saw it too, and Jianguo blushed.

I'm 19 years old during the Chinese New Year, and it's also the age when I first fell in love. It's normal to have a girl I like.

"Did you send the girl who protected you at the school gate?"

Lu Sihui looked at the chessboard, took a step forward, and asked her younger brother indifferently.

She likes that girl very much, she is the type who is courageous, daring to love and dare to hate, and it is just right to accompany her brother, who is a boring gourd.

"Well, it's her."

Seeing his sister asking, Lu Jianguo blushed even more, and wanted to lie, but he was used to being honest, so he still told the truth after all.

However, his face was even redder, like Guan Erye holding a big knife, but he didn't have his majesty, with his head lowered and his face sullen, without any arrogance.

"That girl is nice. If I have a chance, I will bring her back. I will treat her to dinner."

Lu Sihui shot down a cannon from her grandfather with a smile, then looked back at her younger brother and said something.

"Hey, are you eating right? Is there a chess piece in the middle? Don't play tricks!"

Mr. Zhou listened to the two siblings with his ears up!One negligence, and the cannon was lost. He seriously suspected that Sihui was playing tricks.

"Grandpa, I'll give you a step."

Lu Sihui put his cannon back amusedly. Anyway, he is playing chess. He is in a good mood today, and it doesn't matter if he wins or loses.

"What do you mean by letting? I saw you cheating, so you put it back."

Mr. Zhou began to be serious, he looked at his daughter-in-law righteously.

Lu Sihui nodded with a smile: "Yes, Grandpa, I'm cheating. Let you go first, okay?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Jianguo sneaked back into the room, his heart beating loudly.

Invite Chang Yingying to dinner?What did he say?Will it make her feel that she has ulterior motives?
just forget it.

He ran to the bed, lay down without taking off his clothes, put his hands behind his head, and stared at the white gray roof in a daze.

As he breathed in, there seemed to be a faint fragrance from Chang Yingying's body, and what appeared in front of him was the picture of her panicking and throwing herself into her arms.

1. Chest feels like something is missing?He pulled the pillow under his head and hugged it in his arms, but it still didn't feel right.

Turning over, he frowned irritably, and simply closed his eyes to sleep.

However, he couldn't fall asleep at all. He used to feel sleepy when he touched the pillow, and fell asleep within 3 minutes after lying down.

But now, half an hour has passed, and he was rolling back and forth on the bed, but he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

As long as you close your eyes, there will be a picture of Chang Yingying crying. Will her face freeze in such a cold day?

Sitting up abruptly, he hammered his head hard.

"Why do you always miss her?"

He scolded himself out of breath, and simply went to the ground to rummage in his schoolbag, and took out an English book to read.

Coincidentally, as soon as he flipped through it, he turned to the place where Chang Yingying marked the grammar for him. Looking at her beautiful small characters, he remembered the scene of her delivering meals to him in the dormitory.

I couldn't read the book at all, threw it on the table, stood up abruptly, and walked back and forth on the ground.

"No, why are you so upset?"

He tugged his hair and muttered to himself.

"What's wrong? Who upset you?"

The door opened suddenly, and my sister stood at the door, looking at him with clear eyes, as if she could see why he was troubled, her eyes were full of smiles.

"Sister, it's okay."

Lu Jianguo blushed, why did his sister come in without knocking on the door, but he didn't dare to ask her for fear that his sister would be angry.

Lu Sihui stepped into the room and glanced at the English books on the table, but the books were buckled on the table.

Looking back at his younger brother, he asked, "You didn't hear me when I knocked on the door. What are you thinking?"

(End of this chapter)

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