Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1809 So depressed~

Chapter 1809 So depressed~
"My sister, there is something I want to tell you."

Lu Jianguo stuttered, and in order to ease the embarrassment in his heart, he changed the subject.

"What's the matter? Invite that girl to dinner? Grandpa also said just now that he told you to bring her home next time you come back from vacation. My sister went to the mountains to catch a silly roe deer and came back. I promise to give you face."

Lu Sihui leaned back on the table, and said to him with a smile, looking at her younger brother with clear eyes, seeing his embarrassment and embarrassment in his eyes.

Her brother has really grown up and understands the relationship between men and women.

Suddenly I was a little reluctant, why did I become an adult so quickly?
"Sister, they may not come."

Lu Jianguo blushed and scratched his head, and said awkwardly, why did he feel that his grandfather and sister were teasing him?Is this fun?
So depressed~
"No way! Didn't you come today? It's very impolite for you to turn people away. "

Lu Sihui scolded her younger brother with a stern face. She felt that she was not enough to understand the world, and her younger brother seemed to be more than herself.

"She didn't come to see me, but Director Wang's house. I said to send her there, but she got angry for some reason, turned around and left, not understanding what happened."

Lu Jianguo frowned. He still doesn't know what he said wrong?Why did Chang Yingying just throw up her sleeves and leave?
"Really? I really don't blame you for that. By the way, what did you want to tell me just now?"

The two siblings are the same, they have little sense of emotion. As a woman, Lu Sihui didn't know why Chang Yingying left in anger.

He also thought that it had nothing to do with his younger brother. It was not easy for Zixu to catch her.

"I said, on the way to send her back. A big brother was scared. He peed his pants."

Lu Jianguo was a little afraid to speak, fearing that his sister would scold him, so he stumbled in his expression.

"The big man was scared to pee his pants? What did you do?"

Lu Sihui looked at her brother speechlessly, how could it be possible?
Men, not women, can be scared to pee?It's also foolish enough.

"I didn't do it, but Chang Yingying cried, and then he thought there was a ghost."

Lu Jianguo said in embarrassment, saying that he was the one who paid for the pants, because Chang Yingying was scared to pee, can my sister still let her pay?
Forget it, let’s not talk about it, save money for a month, try to eat the meal tickets in my hand for two months, and give the elder brother the living expenses that my sister gave.

"Ghost? Did she pretend to be a ghost to scare people? This is not good."

Lu Sihui frowned, looking at the pretty girl, why did she still try to scare people, isn't she too savage and willful?

Looking at his younger brother, what does she have to do with him when she scares people to pee?
"It wasn't her intention. When she cried, the man was afraid."

do not know why?When he heard his sister say that Chang Yingying was not good, Lu Jianguo subconsciously wanted to defend her.

"If that's the case, blame the man himself. By the way, why is she crying?"

Lu Sihui looked at her younger brother and asked, why do you feel that half of what he said was suppressed by him?

"do not know."

Lu Jianguo himself was also confused, suddenly his eyes widened, and he slapped his hands violently.

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at him, why was she so surprised?

"That man must have frightened her, and she was frightened to cry."

Lu Jianguo said angrily, he is so stupid, why did he think of it now?
He also promised to pay him a pair of pants, so stupid.

He should really beat him up and let him scare the little girl.

That poor man was currently shivering while sitting on the hot kang with a quilt wrapped around him. There was an inexplicable chill on his back, he sneezed several times in a row, and his right eyelid jumped up inexplicably.

"Tell me about you, how can you pee your pants at such a big age? It's really embarrassing."

(End of this chapter)

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