Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1810 There is such a little expectation

Chapter 1810 There is such a little expectation

His daughter-in-law put her soaked cotton pants on the fire wall in disgust, and soon the room was filled with the smell of urine, and she yelled at him angrily.

"I didn't do it on purpose. Some people pretend to be ghosts to scare people. You know, I'm most afraid of those things."

The man said aggrievedly that he was already unlucky enough to be scolded when he returned home.

"Yes, you are not allowed to go, you have to go, why not scare you to death?"

"Speaking mouth is really dark."

The man muttered aggrievedly, who made him so ashamed, wet his pants, and go out and say something, he would be laughed at to death.

The next day was Sunday, and Lu Jianguo got up very late. He didn't sleep well last night, and he dreamed that Chang Yingying was crying, and he felt very uncomfortable.


"Jianguo, get up and go to training."

Lu Sihui got up in the morning to feed the twins and combed Swift's hair. She was busy all morning and was about to go to work. Seeing that her younger brother hadn't woken up yet, she came over to call him.

Lu Jianguo hurriedly opened the door, wearing only a vest and line pants, and folded his arms coldly: "Sister, I'll go right away."

Seeing his sister frowning and staring at him, Lu Jianguo hurriedly said something.

"Hurry up, you are not my station guard, or you will be fined to run five kilometers now."

Lu Sihui glared at her younger brother, she and Li Yanhong didn't have breakfast at home, so they didn't have time.

"Sister-in-law, let's go."

Lu Jianguo watched his sister and sister-in-law leave, hurried back to the house, and quickly put on a cotton jacket and trousers, which made him feel warmer.

"Little uncle, hurry up, I'm going to train too."

Little Swift appeared at the door with a smile. Today, her mother combed her two beautiful hair braids and tied a pink bow. She looks even more beautiful like a little princess. With her sweet smile, It looks really rare.

"Okay, wait for me for a while, right away."

Lu Jianguo put on his clothes very quickly, which was the result of his brother-in-law's training. When he put on clothes, his brother-in-law stood aside to urge him.

After training him out, in the whole dormitory, there is no one who puts on clothes faster than him.

"Let's go after dinner!"

When Aunt Su saw Sihui leaving, she came over and called Lu Jianguo. She couldn't skip breakfast for training, she was so cold.

"Come back to eat, it's too late."

Lu Jianguo was hungry, but he was a principled person, and if he promised his sister to train, he couldn't eat.

"Let's go, little uncle! Brother Mingyuan is waiting for us!"

Over there, when Zhou Dongsheng heard his younger sister calling Wang Mingyuan so sweetly, whenever he was mentioned, he would smile happily and feel very angry.

I really don't want to see that stinking brat, but when Swift is gone, he will go.

Lu Jianguo became the king of the kids again, leading a group of kids to train in the backyard.

People in the family building are used to it, and they can see this scene every Sunday.

They are all from aristocratic families, so they think it is good, and the dolls should be picked up from a young age.

Sunday passed quickly. On Monday, Lu Jianguo was going back to school. He felt a little nervous for no reason.

Aunt Tang's steamed buns today are filled with vegetarian stuffing and put some dried shrimps in them. They taste very fragrant.

Lu Jianguo ate four or five, and took another five away.

"This kid, why do you still bring food?"

Mr. Zhou frowned and looked at his back thinking, don't you have enough to eat at school?

Next time he comes back, secretly give him some money, and when he grows up, don't starve to death.

Lu Jianguo walked very fast along the way, but when he reached the school gate, his pace slowed down instead.

He raised his head subconsciously, and found the usual Yingying figure among the chatting and laughing girls.

(End of this chapter)

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