Chapter 1811 Bullying?no
Unlike ordinary male students, Lu Jianguo usually pays attention to female students. He has always kept his eyes fixed on him. Like today, he looks at female students from time to time, which is really unprecedented.

It has also attracted the attention of others, whispered, and there is a time when the lump of wood is also enlightened?
Lu Jianguo is tall and handsome. He lacks the aggressiveness that a man should have, but he has a bookish look, like the image of an honest scholar in the past, with fair skin and big black eyes, which occasionally reveal So a little melancholy.

Female classmates also like this type, but unfortunately they dare not write love letters to him, because Lu Jianguo doesn't play cards according to common sense, tearing up and throwing away love letters when he sees them, no matter what the occasion or how many people are present.

Some female classmates have liked him since the first year of high school, but they have been in the crush stage.

Only after Chang Yingying transferred from another school, she began to pursue Lu Jianguo, not caring about his indifference and ignoring him.

Seeing him looking over now, the girls who had a crush on him all blushed with shame, their hearts were pounding, and they secretly glanced at her from time to time.

Lu Jianguo didn't find the person he was looking for, and walked into the classroom indifferent to Qiu Yibo who was secretly sent by his female classmate.

Chang Yingying's seat was next to his, and it was still empty at this time, and the desk hall was empty.

Disappointment flashed in his eyes. Unlike every time he came to school, when he came to school on Monday before, if he arrived early, he would definitely take out his books and read.

Today, all his attention was on Chang Yingying's seat, and his hands were churning together under the desk, feeling that time passed really slowly.

He came too early. At this time, there were only half of the students in the class, and the students on duty were busy sweeping the floor and cleaning the desks.

"Really, why hasn't Chang Yingying come here? She is also a student on duty today, so she is lazy."

The other two students on duty muttered unhappily. They all thought that Chang Yingying was a delicate lady, so she was lazy and didn't work.

Lu Jianguo frowned, as if he didn't like hearing them speak ill of Chang Yingying.

"I help her on duty."

The person stood up and blurted out without thinking anything.

The other two girls looked at him stupidly. He said he was helping Chang Yingying on duty?

"give me."

After Lu Jianguo finished speaking, he saw the two of them looking at him stupidly, and the frown deepened. He went to grab the broom and began to sweep around.

What he thought in his heart was that it would be a reward for the bowl of braised pork she gave him.

"Look, I just said that they are dating, right? You still don't believe it."

XXX, who likes Chang Yingying, took the opportunity to jump out and yelled at the students in the class.

"you shut up."

Lu Jianguo blushed with anger, and was just helping his classmates, why did it sound so ugly to him?

"Did I say something wrong? You are simply guilty. She brought you meals in the dormitory. When you go home, she follows you. Now you help her on duty. Don't tell me that you are brother and sister. Chang Yingying is An only child."

Chang Jinmao was still yelling, and the girl who liked Lu Jianguo was secretly delighted in the morning!At this moment, upon hearing his words, Fang felt as if struck by lightning, and Fang's heart was broken.


Lu Jianguo didn't speak, and looked at XXX stupidly with a broom in his hand, and Chang Yingying followed behind him?Didn't she go to Director Wang and just follow her home secretly?

But why is she?

The male students in the class started booing, but Lu Jianguo turned a deaf ear and cleaned the floor silently.

Then quietly returned to his seat, he simply ignored the jokes of these people.

The reason why these male students are making trouble is because Chang Yingying is the school belle in their minds. She studies well, has a good family background, and dresses in western style. Who wouldn't want a girlfriend like this?
(End of this chapter)

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