Chapter 1812
If you say it out, you will have face, and your parents will be happy to bring it home.

Love 1 Dou Chukai's grades all have a crush, and their crush is the same, so Lu Jianguo is their common enemy.

The class bell rang, and almost all the students in the class had arrived, and those boys who made a fuss, at this moment, also became more honest.

Lu Jianguo glanced to the side, Chang Yingying hasn't come yet?
The English book she was holding was still the page where she wrote the grammar, but now he didn't read the words on it, and all he thought about was Chang Yingying.

Is something wrong with her?At that time, I only sent her to the door of the unit, but did not send her upstairs.

"Hello students."

The teacher is here, and the opening speech is the same as every day. At this time, the students should shout: "Hello, teacher."

All the students shouted, only Lu Jianguo was still thinking about it, and he reacted when he heard the shout, and hurriedly shouted: "Hello, teacher."

At this time, the students' shouts had just finished, and his protruding voice was very harsh, and everyone's eyes were on him, including the teacher.

"Lu Jianguo, have you slipped away?"

The teacher gave him a dissatisfied look. The principal was a relative of her family, and he was dismissed because of Lu Jianguo.

With the principal around, she does a good job and is an advanced worker every year.

Without his protection, it would be difficult to be an advanced worker, and it would depend on the grades of the students in the class and the intention of the new principal.

"I'm sorry teacher, I was reading and didn't see you coming in."

Lu Jianguo stood up, his face burning. This was the first time he was criticized in public!
"Go out and stand in the corridor."

The teacher did not choose to forgive him because of his apology, and drove him into the corridor.

Lu Jianguo didn't dare to say much, and walked towards the door with his head down. He could feel that all the classmates were looking at him, some sympathized, and some gloated.

Standing in the corridor, the cool breeze blows, which can freeze people to death in a while.

Being cold is not the point, the point is that students who are punished to stand will be seen by classmates and teachers in other classes, and they will naturally laugh at him. Therefore, for students, especially high school students, this is a very embarrassing thing.

Lu Jianguo stood upright in the corridor, looking at the school gate, why hasn't she come yet?
The sound of the teacher's lecture came from the room. If it was in the past, he would listen to it fascinated, for fear of missing a word.

But today, he only heard the teacher's voice. As for what she said, he didn't listen at all.

After class, the teacher came out first. Seeing Lu Jianguo standing there honestly, she snorted coldly, and instead of letting him go back to the classroom, she walked over and gave an order: "You will stand here as punishment this morning. , Write a deep self-criticism, otherwise, you are not allowed to go back to class."

Lu Jianguo looked at the teacher silently, but didn't answer yes or no.

This is obviously making things difficult, remembering what my sister said, bullying?no.

"I'm going to the principal."

Lu Jianguo said something indifferently, and walked towards the principal's office.

He decided to change classes. He knew the relationship between the teacher and the principal. Since she had already started targeting him, it was better to stay away from her in order to study hard in the future.

"You stop."

The teacher panicked.The main reason was that Lu Jianguo's attitude scared her, he was too calm, and looked at her with contempt.

"It's get out of class time."

Lu Jianguo turned to look at her, and said coldly, the teacher chased after him angrily: "What are you doing in the principal's office? I won't let you go, just go back and stand for punishment."

(End of this chapter)

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