Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1813 Kill 1 as an example

Chapter 1813
"it is good."

Lu Jianguo turned around and went back to the door of the classroom, and stood there upright like a pine and cypress, his obedience made the teacher stunned.

Feeling something was wrong, he turned around suspiciously, just in time to see the new principal looking at Lu Jianguo.


The teacher greeted with a busy smile.

"What's the matter with this student? Why is he standing for punishment? Does he want to go to the principal's office? What do you mean by stopping him?"

The principal frowned and glanced at her. He had just walked over, just in time to hear her say that this male student should not be allowed to go to the principal's office.

Since the student wanted to find himself, there must be a reason.

He is a new official, and he knows that this little teacher Lu is a relative of the former principal's family. He usually likes to take sick leave, arriving late and leaving early.

She intends to come and kill others, and is looking for an opportunity to disqualify her as a head teacher.

"He slipped away in class. I asked him to come out and reflect. He is going to disturb you. You are busy with everything. I am afraid that he will affect your work."

The teacher's eloquence is good, and what she says is beneficial to herself.

"Is that right?"

Under normal circumstances, as long as the teacher said so, the principal would not ask, but today is an abnormal situation.

The principal looked at Lu Jianguo and asked him.

"No, I was reading and didn't notice the teacher came in. I was a second late when I called the teacher. I went to you because I wanted to change classes. Teacher Lu made me stand all morning and deprived me of the right to attend classes."

Lu Jianguo answered loudly, like a man of iron and blood who was being questioned by the leader, his voice was full of confidence, his expression was serious, his body was tall and straight, and his hands were hanging on his sides.

The headmaster looked at him and smiled, the young man is not bad, he is brave enough.

I also like the way he answers questions, it makes me feel like a person who has been on the ice, and the momentum is very good.

"Okay, I promise you to transfer to another class. I'll check your grades first. If you get good grades, I'll transfer you to class one."

The principal smiled and agreed, looking at Lu Jianguo with approval.

The teacher was dumbfounded?

Although Lu Jianguo is not the best student in his class, he is also one of the top [-] students in the school, and he is more self-disciplined than other students, and he does not need to be supervised in his studies.

Serious in class, never engage in petty tricks, don't cause trouble after class, just read silently, as if it doesn't exist.

He is very hopeful to be admitted to university, which will help his admission rate.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Jianguo is full of strengths. Now the top student in her class has been transferred to the first class. It was originally a key class, with a high enrollment rate, and the class teacher's bonus is high, and she deserves it every year. Advanced worker.

Unlike myself, it is a relationship through the back door.

"Principal, you can't transfer him away. It's not easy for me to train a student."

The teacher didn't care about the principal any longer, and walked over to protest in a hurry.

"You also know that it's not easy to train a student. Now it's the third year of high school. You make a student stand in the corridor all morning, just because he didn't find you in the classroom while reading, and he shouted a step late? Teacher Lu, I think you are like this Doing so is ruining a good student, so I agree to his request and transfer classes immediately."

It was useless for Mr. Lu to say anything, and the new principal walked away.

Lu Jianguo glanced at Teacher Lu silently, seeing her face turn blue and turn red, and stared at him fiercely.

"Mr. Lu, I know you are making things difficult for me because of Principal Lu. Now that you have started, you will not stop until you ruin me. So, sorry, I want to go to university, so I have to leave you."

(End of this chapter)

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