Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1814 The taste of being punished

Chapter 1814 The taste of being punished

Lu Jianguo, who has always been dull and reticent, watched the teacher say a long series of words.

Teacher Lu looked at him stupidly, this is no longer a boy who allows others to step on him, he seems to be a different person, if he hits him, he will fight back.

When Lu Jianguo returned to the classroom to pack his schoolbag, XXX came over and laughed at him: "How does it feel to be punished?"

"Very good, clear mind, do you want to try it?"

Lu Jianguo looked at him coldly, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

xxx was stunned. He blinked and looked at Lu Jianguo. Before talking about him, he kept silent, as if he didn't want to cause trouble. What happened today?It felt like a word blocked me back.

"What are you doing? Fired?"

Seeing Lu Jianguo packed his schoolbag and left, he couldn't help shouting at his back.

In the end, it was Lu Jianguo's back that answered him. He chased to the door and saw Teacher Lu glaring at Lu Jianguo angrily, while he walked towards the principal's office.

It has been three days, and Lu Jianguo has been transferred to class one for three days. The teacher in class one is very fair. He only cares about study, and only supervises study and classroom discipline.

In the new learning environment, Lu Jianguo was a little nervous at the beginning, but he found that the learning environment in Class [-] was very good, and there was no gossip among the students other than studying and discussing.

He felt that he had made a wise choice, except that he would stand in the corridor every day after class, looking in the direction of Class Three.

I never saw Chang Yingying again, and my mood was a little bit depressed. I didn't feel good eating, and I couldn't sleep.

Several times I impulsively wanted to ask her good friend Xiaohong, where did Chang Yingying live?He just went to take a look to prove that she was safe and sound.

Now I always feel heavy in my heart, always afraid that something might happen to her because I didn't send her into the house.

On the fourth day, in the morning, he stood at the window looking at the school gate.

Suddenly, he found a car parked at the gate of the school. A middle-aged man got out of the car. He was dressed in style, wearing a leather cotton cap and a plaid neckerchief. He looked into the school.

The rear door opened, and a red figure came down. Lu Jianguo felt his heart stop beating. It was Chang Yingying who he had been worried about for four days.

He was relieved that she was fine.
The corner of the mouth raised at some point, that faint smile made the girl at the second table dumbfounded.

He was so handsome, the sun was shining on his face, and those black eyes were as bright as stars.

The little girl blushed. With such a handsome boy coming to their class, is she close to the water?

It's a pity that he is not at the same table as me, what does the teacher think?Put him with a boy.

It's really a rarity.
Lu Jianguo was in a good mood, and he didn't pay attention to the changes in other people in the class. He kept a smile on his face, as if he had suddenly picked up a treasure.

As long as she's fine, I've been worried for several days, and now my hanging heart has finally settled down.

In the principal's office, Chang Yingying's father was chatting with the principal. The two were old friends, so the atmosphere of the conversation was very good.

Chang Yingying sat there with her head down, her long eyelashes blocked the expression in her eyes, she looked a lot thinner, her complexion was not good, very pale, she looked sickly beautiful.

She remained silent, acting as if she didn't exist.

"Okay, I'll arrange it right away. The first class is very good, the learning atmosphere is good, and it will guarantee your child's further education. Don't worry, Mr. Chang! I will arrange for the teacher to make up for her in the four-day class that is left behind. You don't have to worry about it. "

(End of this chapter)

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