Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1816 I am missing a piece of my heart

Chapter 1816 A corner of my heart is missing

Chang Yingying never looked at Class Three, bowed to Teacher Xiao Li, stood there silently without saying a word.

"Go in! I just started the class, and I will help you make up for the missed class."

Teacher Xiao Li sent the principal away, looked at Chang Yingying and said something.

Chang Yingying nodded, followed behind him silently, feeling as if a corner was missing in her heart, feeling empty and uncomfortable.

"Chang Yingying, a new classmate in our class, everyone welcomes, we must respect and love each other in the future, and we will make progress together."

The teacher brought Chang Yingying into the class and announced to the students.

Everyone else applauded, only Lu Jianguo suddenly raised his head and looked at Chang Yingying foolishly.

But Chang Yingying lowered her head and did not see Lu Jianguo's existence.

"Okay, Lu Jianguo, you sit in the back row, Chang Yingying, go over there!"

The teacher waved his hands to stop the applause, and began to assign seats to Chang Yingying.

One sentence from Lu Jianguo made Chang Yingying, who had always lowered her head and was as quiet as a watchdog, suddenly raised her head.

His gaze accurately saw the boy who lived in her heart, and at this moment his dark eyes were looking at her in surprise.

My heart suddenly panicked, why is he here and when did he come?
Would he think that he was transferred to class one for him, and wanted to turn around and leave, but his steps seemed to be fixed in place.

Lu Jianguo looked at Chang Yingying in surprise. He changed classes because of Teacher Lu's unfair treatment. Why did Chang Yingying transfer classes?
"Lu Jianguo, pack up quickly and move to the back seat."

Teacher Xiao Li frowned and looked at Lu Jianguo. Why did he make him jump out of his seat and refuse to move?


Lu Jianguo stood up hurriedly, but he was a little flustered. He knocked the book on the ground, and when he went to pick it up, he hit his head on the desk again.

With a sound of "dong", the people in front of him felt pain for him.

Chang Yingying clasped her hands together tightly, she lowered her head not to look at him, but there was a voice in her heart shouting, did he crash?
"Why are you so careless?"

The teacher looked at Lu Jianguo with a frown, and simply refused to let him change seats. He pointed to his male classmate at the same table and said, "Move over and give a seat to the new classmate."

At the beginning, Lu Jianguo's tablemate was full of happiness. Chang Yingying, the school belle in his mind and the girl he had a crush on, was about to be at the same table with him, and they would get along day and night from now on.

Unexpectedly, the teacher poured a pot of cold water to extinguish the joy in his heart. He stood up slowly, and glanced at Lu Jianguo unwillingly. Seeing that he was still rubbing his forehead, his eyebrows could not help but frown.

Don't do it on purpose! ~ He also came from the third class, and Chang Yingying is also from the third class.
The old team stared at him, and his voice became stern: "Hurry up, you're twitchy, you're not sharp."

The boy wanted to cry without tears, carrying his schoolbag and went to the back seat. All the boys in the class looked at Lu Jianguo. They were so scheming. They bumped their heads in exchange for being at the same table with Chang Yingying?

"Teacher, I won't sit with him."

When everyone was looking at Lu Jianguo enviously, Chang Yingying suddenly spoke, and she looked away from Lu Jianguo and looked at the table in the back row.

"I sit in the back."

She wanted to stay away from him, and she didn't want him to disturb her mood anymore.

"Sit down, this is a class, not a vegetable market, have you picked a seat yet?"

Teacher Li frowned unhappily. She couldn't affect the class because of her alone. Besides, he is a teacher, can he listen to a student's command?It was an insult to his identity.

What's even more annoying is that he let her sit in front to take care of her, and Chang Yingying didn't appreciate it?

Lu Jianguo rubbed his forehead and looked at Chang Yingying. She didn't want to sit with him?Why?

(End of this chapter)

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