Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1817 Anger Comes From Nowhere

Chapter 1817 Anger Comes From Nowhere
He felt inexplicably lost in his heart. He worried about her for four days, but when she came, her face was full of disgust, and he felt very blocked.

Seeing that the teacher was angry, Chang Yingying had to lower her head and sit next to Lu Jianguo with her schoolbag.

"Okay, let's start class, what we're going to learn today is..."

Seeing that the seats have been assigned, the teacher returned to the podium and began to give lectures.

Lu Jianguo sat back on the stool, breathing the faint fragrance of Chang Yingying's body, just like the memory of that night.

But why does it still smell like medicine?Is she sick?
Chang Yingying felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, she wanted to escape from Lu Jianguo, but she went around and sat at the same table with him again.

After a class, the two had their own thoughts, and neither of them paid attention to the lecture.

The eyes are staring at the teacher, but nothing can be heard in the ears.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students all stood up. The boys wanted to get close to Chang Yingying and get her attention, so they all came over to report their names.

"Hello, my name is Chang Qingshan."

"Hi, my name is Lu Qiannan, welcome."


I'm afraid Chang Yingying doesn't know who these boys are, and each of them has louder voices.

Lu Jianguo suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Are these people courting Chang Yingying?
"Hi, my name is Pi Wanshan, we almost became the same table just now."

Pi Wanshan, who was driven to the back table by the teacher, came over, and when he introduced himself, he gave Lu Jianguo a look, and blamed him, otherwise he would have already sat with Xiaohua.

Chang Yingying sat there quietly without raising her head, as if these people did not exist.

She just wants to study now. After one year, after entering university, she will stop interacting with these people. What do they call them?

Lu Jianguo kept looking at her from the corner of his eyes. In fact, he really wanted to go to the toilet, but seeing these people surrounding her, he subconsciously didn't want to leave, and wanted to protect her here.

The indescribable mood kept him still.

However, what made him feel uncomfortable was that Chang Yingying never looked at him.

Thinking of her unwillingness to be at the same table with him, Lu Jianguo lowered his head in pain.

When the male students encountered soft nails in Chang Yingying's place, their enthusiasm also cooled down, and they didn't bother to talk to them at all.

After a while, these people withdrew.

It's just that, whether she was leaving or not, she kept looking at Chang Yingying secretly. Maybe she was a little nervous on the first day?

"Ahem, where have you been these three days? Why didn't you come to school?"

Lu Jianguo coughed twice, and asked Chang Yingying in a voice that only he and she could hear.

"none of your business."

Chang Yingying replied coldly, thinking that Lu Jianguo had transferred to Class [-] in order to avoid her.

The anger didn't know where it came from, but it had already burned her to ashes.

He must feel that he is so cheap, otherwise why did he change classes?Followed by yourself?
Biting his mouth hard, suppressing the grievance in his heart, how could this happen?
Her mouth was bleeding from the bite, and it was excruciatingly painful, but she still bit it hard.

She hated herself for being worthless, but she still felt distressed when he bumped his head just now?


Lu Jianguo didn't know what she was thinking?Seeing that she was unwilling to answer him, and her attitude was so indifferent, I could only say "oh", I don't know what to say?

His forehead hurt so much, he leaned his arms on the desk and rubbed it hard, the pain was so painful that tears came out.

Chang Yingying saw his actions out of the corner of her eyes, and she was even angrier in her heart, because she didn't want to see her so much?

Seeing her, it was like seeing a ghost, and he was in a hurry.

Is it because I didn't expect her to come after a class?
(End of this chapter)

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