Chapter 1818

With a sneer at the corner of her mouth, she took out the book and began to review it seriously, so that she had no worries.

Seeing that she was ignoring him, Lu Jianguo thought about going to the bathroom, so he hurriedly stood up and ran out of the classroom.

As soon as he left, Chang Yingying, who was holding the book, put it down and stared at the place beside her in a daze.

study well?I desperately read four words in my heart.

The morning time passed like this, and when it was time to go to the cafeteria to eat at noon, Lu Jianguo deliberately dawdled.

Chang Yingying used to call him when she went to the cafeteria to eat, but he ignored her, and Chang Yingying waited for her.

So, today he thought it would be the same.

Who knew, Chang Yingying put all the books in the desk, stood up, walked away without even looking at him.

Lu Jianguo looked at her back and felt empty in his heart for no reason.

how so?Have you offended her?
Silently took out the meal ticket, this month he will save money.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, every window was full of people, because Lu Jianguo was late, so he was at the end of the line.

Looking at the boys in the class, they all enthusiastically surrounded Chang Yingying and helped her cook.

I suddenly felt very uncomfortable in my heart, as if something that belonged to him was robbed by others.

"Lu Jianguo, why did you only buy two steamed buns and no vegetables?"

The girl who likes Lu Jianguo couldn't help but ask when she saw that he only bought two steamed buns.

"I just want to eat steamed buns recently."

Lu Jianguo said lightly, because every student bought vegetables, and he only held two steamed buns, which looked nondescript.

So, he walked out the door after buying the food, so that people would not laugh at him here.

"Wait, I bought too much food, I can't eat it myself, I'll give you some."

That girl was the classmate who looked at him in a daze in the morning. Seeing that he was about to leave, she went over and took the initiative to put the vegetables in her lunch box into his lunch box.

This is quite bold. Pi Wanshan took the lead in whistling, and Chang Jinmao followed suit:
"Okay, Lu Jianguo, I'm transferred to the first class, and there are girls buying food for you, it's awesome."

At this moment, everyone in the cafeteria looked over. Xiaohong secretly glanced at Chang Yingying. She changed shifts without saying a word. Did she know that Lu Jianguo had gone to shift one, so she chased after him infatuatedly.

Now there are still people cutting off beards, it must be very uncomfortable, right?
Chang Yingying lowered her head and ate silently, as if she didn't hear her classmates booing.

However, she ate very little, only half a steamed bun and drank a few mouthfuls of soup, feeling quite unable to swallow.

Lu Jianguo subconsciously looked at Chang Yingying, afraid that she would misunderstand him, but seeing that she didn't look at her at all, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

With his head down, the girl poured back the food in the lunch box: "Thank you, I really can't eat it."

The girl originally mustered up the courage to do this, but after being laughed at by the boys in the cafeteria, she longed to sneak in. Seeing that Lu Jianguo didn't accept her favor at all, she covered her face and ran out of the cafeteria aggrieved.

Chang Yingying looked up at the figure of her classmates running away, and suddenly smiled self-deprecatingly.

This is more like the self in the past, approaching Lu Jianguo like a moth to a flame, but in the end his wings were burned and his confidence was burned.

I couldn't eat any more, so I stood up and took the leftover food from the lunch box and poured it into the slop bucket in the cafeteria.

He lowered his head and took the lunch box to the sink to brush. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even glance at Lu Jianguo.

Lu Jianguo's Adam's apple twitched a few times, frowned slightly, glanced at the two steamed buns in his hand, then turned and walked towards the cafeteria door.

After his figure disappeared, Chang Yingying looked towards the entrance of the cafeteria, her eyes were as cold as ice.

(End of this chapter)

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