Chapter 1819 A Thousand Mistakes Are My Fault

From this day on, Chang Yingying entered into a state of frantic study. She kept her eyes on the class, finished the get out of class, and did exercises. Except for leaving her seat when going to the bathroom, she was studying silently at other times.

Lu Jianguo sat at the same desk as her, but since Chang Yingying came, he never spoke a word to him, and never looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

This made him puzzled. When studying in class, he would always wonder why she suddenly changed?

Here Lu Jianguo was troubled by Chang Yingying's affairs, while Lu Sihui called Zhang Changshui to her office when he arrived at work.

"Captain Lu, what did I do wrong?"

After Zhang Changshui entered the door to salute, he tentatively asked Lu Sihui.

Although he and Lu Sihui are now at the same level, it is out of her control.

But the person in front of him is Vice Minister Zhou's wife, so if you scold him, you have to listen.

The main reason is that Lu Sihui's cold gaze made him feel uncertain, and he tried hard to find the memory in his brain. Did he offend the deputy minister's wife?

"I heard that you are dating Huang Yaomei?"

Lu Sihui stared at him for 2 minutes, and she didn't speak until she noticed Zhang Changshui's brow was sweating.

There was no emotion in the voice, but it was very cold.


Hearing the words Huang Yaomei, Zhang Changshui put his feet together and saluted Lu Sihui seriously.

"Don't you know that the unit does not allow you to fall in love?"

Lu Sihui's eyes were still as cold as ice, and she said every word in an official accent.

Zhang Changshui looked at her with black lines all over his face. Others said this was normal, but Lu Sihui said he was not convinced.

Vice Minister Zhou and her fell in love at work, so don't think he doesn't know.

At that time, she was still a rookie in the publicity team!Catch and fire.

At that time, I saw her and Vice Minister Zhou pass a small note with my own eyes!

However, he murmured in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, if he really said it, is it okay?

The deputy minister's wife can train him for three days and can't get up, but she is more ruthless than deputy minister Zhou.

"Are you not convinced?"

Lu Sihui suddenly smiled, but that smile looked three parts like a sneer and seven parts like a mockery.

Zhang Changshui looked at her speechlessly.

[I'm not convinced, I can't double standards! 】

However, he still could only mutter in his heart, not daring to show any expression of dissatisfaction on his face.

"I order you to separate from her, otherwise, you go home!"

Seeing that he could still hold his breath, Lu Sihui forced him another step.

"Why? I'll wait for the vice minister to come back. Huang Yaomei and I are both old comrades who have been in the team for more than two years. According to the regulations of the unit, we can be punished."

Finally, Zhang Changshui broke out. He likes to be ice, and he also likes Huang Yaomei, which is not contradictory.

"Ha, what a big temper! Yes, you are not a friend of my subordinates, I forgot about this, you go back! I still take care of my subordinates."

Lu Sihui sat back on the chair, picked up the teacup on the table, and drank tea in a leisurely manner.

"Captain Lu, what do you want to do to Yaomei?"

Zhang Changshui became anxious when he heard that, didn't Lu Sihui imply that he wanted to clean up Yaomei?

"I'll fire her! Follow the rules, why? Captain Zhang has an opinion?"

Lu Sihui replied coldly, looking at him with meaningful eyes.

"Why? I'm going to find the deputy minister."

Zhang Changshui was about to cry. Lu Sihui was Huang Yaomei's immediate superior. She wanted her to go home, so Huang Yaomei had to go home.

He knew how much Yaomei liked the Falcons, and he couldn't bear to see her leave.

"Go! Where is he at Junguan School? No phone calls are allowed over there."

Lu Sihui spread her hands and shrugged indifferently.

"Captain Lu, thousands of mistakes are my fault, you punish me! I am willing to be punished."

(End of this chapter)

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