Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1821 Why Are You So Unfeeling Suddenly?

Chapter 1821 Why Are You So Unfeeling Suddenly?
"Clap clap."

Lu Sihui stood up, the chill on her face disappeared, and she put on a smile of approval, and slapped her hands three times in a row, as if she was applauding for his bold words just now.

Zhang Changshui stared at her blankly, what do you mean?
Women are fickle, isn't she mocking herself again?
The door of the office was pushed open, Zhang Changshui looked back, and there was a tearful Huang Yaomei standing at the door.

"Long water."

She shouted excitedly, no matter if Lu Sihui is still in front of her!He rushed over and hugged Zhang Changshui tightly, and cried on his shoulder.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I'm home, we can still be together, but, when the time comes, will you dislike me for being worthless?"

Zhang Changshui was very sad, he patted Huang Yaomei's back lightly, coaxing him in a low voice.

At this moment, it feels like we are about to part with each other?

His eye circles were also red, and his voice was obviously choked with sobs.

"No, you just go to beg for food. I, Huang Yaomei, will follow you to be a beggar woman. In this life, I will never marry anyone but you."

Huang Yaomei shook her head desperately, pushed Zhang Changshui away, looked into his eyes and swore.

Lu Sihui watched from the side, the corners of her eyes were a little moist, why is it so touching?
Suddenly discovering that he is good or bad, he used this method to test Zhang Changshui.

A bit like the villain who broke up the fateful mandarin ducks?

Zhang Changshui was moved to tears when he heard Huang Yaomei's vow
After helping her dry her tears, she yelled at Lu Sihui.

"Captain Lu, after I go home, I hope you won't make things difficult for Yaomei."

"Fool, what is my relationship with Yaomei? Will I make things difficult for her? Just to see what step you can do for Yaomei?"

Lu Sihui gave him a blank look. Does this man not move his head?

I and Yaomei have been together since we met in the publicity team, and she is also one of my bridesmaids!What a deep sense of camaraderie.

"Hey, let me tell you! Why is Captain Lu so unfeeling all of a sudden?"

After hearing this, Zhang Changshui suddenly realized, took off his hat, scratched his head, and smiled embarrassedly.

"But now you have a more difficult choice."

The smile on Lu Sihui's face disappeared, and her voice became serious.

"What choice?"

Zhang Changshui felt that his little heart couldn't take it anymore, and just after he breathed a sigh of relief, he was hanged again.

It felt like he was half-hanging and told he was saved, only to have the rope tighten instead.

It would be better to be hanged to death just now!It's a horrible feeling.

"Yaomei ordered a kiss in my hometown, you know that?"

Lu Sihui looked at Huang Yaomei, because the boil must come out soon, otherwise it will always hurt.

Huang Yaomei lowered her head sadly, she never dared to tell Zhang Changshui about this matter, it was her fault, she shouldn't be greedy for his kindness to her, and conceal the engagement.

"Yaomei, is what Captain Lu said true?"

Zhang Changshui shook his body, he couldn't believe what he heard, he grabbed Huang Yaomei's arms tightly, and yelled at her loudly.

She is engaged?Is she going to belong to another man?
Then the oath she made just now was all false?Lied to him?
Zhang Changshui's eyes were red, and he looked at Yaomei in despair, although he knew that she lied to him, he was very angry.

However, he still couldn't bear to scold her?
"Did I say... congratulations?"

He said these words with difficulty, feeling that his whole heart was broken, and he couldn't help but clench his brows tightly in pain, but he gritted his teeth and held on.

"Changshui, I'm sorry for you."

Huang Yaomei cried, she didn't expect that she hurt him so deeply, and when she thought about going home, everything was unknown, she suddenly felt so desperate.

"Come on, goodbye? Why are you crying?"

(End of this chapter)

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