Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1822 Make it too sensational

Chapter 1822 Make it too sensational
Lu Sihui saw that both of them staged the Magpie Bridge Meeting, you cried and I cried, you were sad and I was more sad than you, like parting from life to death, really, it was too sensational.

It made her nose sour and her throat a little tight. I really hate this feeling.

"Yes, yes, I'm not married yet, let's find a way to get rid of the engagement."

After Zhang Changshui heard Lu Sihui's words, a smile appeared on his face, and he helped Huang Yaomei wipe away tears, and said to her excitedly.

[Don't give up until the last moment]

I remember that Vice Minister Zhou said before that he said that at the mobilization meeting of the Junshi Contest.

It means to persevere until the end and never give up easily.

Now, he used it on himself and Yaomei, and he was immediately full of confidence.

It's like a standing game, as long as you work hard, you can't win.


Huang Yaomei lowered her head sadly, and couldn't bear to look at the fire of hope in Zhang Changshui's eyes. If it was really that simple, she would have divorced a long time ago.

"Don't say it's useless, listen to me."

Lu Sihui interrupted Zhang Changshui, frowned and ordered.

"Captain Lu, do you have a solution?"

Zhang Changshui ran to Lu Sihui's desk with bright eyes, and looked at her anxiously.

"Yes, I have a more risky plan. You both have to be mentally prepared. If it really fails, the consequences will be very serious."

Lu Sihui nodded solemnly, knowing in her heart that she was sure of everything, but she was afraid that the two people would reveal their secrets, so she still lied to them badly.

"As long as I can be with Yaomei, I am not afraid of mountains of swords and seas of fire."

Zhang Changshui was determined, and his eyes shone with determination.

"That's it. I'm going to ask Dr. Tang to give me a pill."

Lu Sihui opened the drawer of the desk, took out a small box from it, opened it and put it on the table, inside the small box was quietly lying a dark brown pill, about the size of a man's finger cap, smelling faintly of honey of sweetness.

"Is this the kind of pill you were talking about?"

Huang Yaomei's face turned pale. She still remembered Lu Sihui's words. After taking the pill, she would be paralyzed, her legs would have no strength at all, and she would have to be helped by outsiders to go to the toilet.

The appearance will also become ugly, and the skin will be scorched black, like a scar after being scalded.

I know what the result will be after eating, but it is not clear whether it can be cured.

She didn't dare to bet that she couldn't stand up for the rest of her life, that would make her life worse than death.

However, if she didn't gamble, she would lose Zhang Changshui. She took his oath just now, and she kept it in her heart. Losing him meant losing her own life.

"Zhang Changshui, this matter depends on you. As long as you don't dislike her for being paralyzed for a lifetime and becoming uglier than an old lady, I will give her this pill and let you accompany her home to divorce her. If you can't promise Will I be consistent with her after seeing her become ugly, I will not give her a pill, and let her go home and marry a man who doesn't love. "

Lu Sihui shook the box in front of Zhang Changshui and gave him a choice.

This small pill, enlarged in front of Zhang Changshui's eyes, was as terrifying as a scourge.

"I can guarantee that I won't dislike her, but as long as I think about her having to spend her whole life like this, I feel that it's not loving her, but hurting her. For Yaomei's happiness, I can't be so selfish."

Zhang Changshui turned to look at Yaomei, tears rolled down his eyes, he loved her, and he wanted her to be all the best, he wanted to see her smile happily every day, and he didn't want to see her cry and suffer.

"Yaomei, what do you think? Are you willing to take this pill for him?"

(End of this chapter)

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