Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1826 Like a hunting cheetah

Chapter 1826 Like a hunting cheetah

Zhou Zixu suddenly turned his face and drove him away in a cold voice.

"Okay, okay, I'll go, don't be angry, you're sick, you have a bad temper, hold the fire, don't quarrel with the doctor."

Seeing that he was angry, Xiang Yunchang hurriedly coaxed him. He knew that the patient was anxious.


Zhou Zixu frowned and waved his hands, Xiang Yunchang is fine with everything, but he looks a bit like a woman, with a broken mouth.

Xiang Yunchang didn't dare to say any more, so he had to turn around and leave. After taking two steps, he looked back at Zhou Zixu, met his sharp gaze, and ran forward in fright.

After running for a while, he stopped, always feeling strange.

Zhou Zixu has always been smiling since he was in the Junguan School, but that sharp gaze just now has an aura that makes you have to obey his orders.

So he is not so good-tempered?

After Zhou Zixu left Xiang Yunchang, he ran to the gate and waited.

In order not to be discovered by the teacher, he jumped up the tree, like a hunting cheetah, and looked at the school gate patiently.

A crisp bicycle bell rang, and the postman came happily humming the songs of 56 nationalities.


Comrade guard saluted him, and he smiled back: "Thanks for your hard work."

While talking, he took out the key and opened the mailbox.

Zhou Zixu watched intently, and saw that he took out all the letters inside and put them in the green postal bag, and then took out a stack of letters from the pocket on the other side, intending to put them in the school's mail room.

At this moment, Zhou Zixu flew down from the tree and rushed over.

The postman only saw a green figure, then a gust of wind, and then...
The letter in his hand was snatched away.
"Who are you? Give me back the letter."

He looked at his empty hand stupidly, and looked up to see a tall and handsome gentleman holding his letter in his hand.

Frowning at him, how could it be like this, can't you take it well with a word?Do you have to grab it?
Comrade guard looked at Zhou Zixu speechlessly. He was a student sent by the local government and didn't know Zhou Zixu.

The students are on guard at night, and they are local guards during the day.

"what are you doing?"

He frowned and looked at Zhou Zixu, his voice was a bit harsh.

"I want to serve the people and help him get his letters to the mailroom."

Zhou Zixu had a bright smile on his face. After finishing speaking, he didn't intend to return the letter to the postman. He took it and walked into the family building.

There were only a few letters in total, he quickly glanced at them, and his eyes lit up.

"Give it to me, I'll send it over by myself, and I have to write the handover procedures! Who needs your help?"

The postman's dissatisfied voice came from behind him, Zhou Zixu stopped and turned back, facing the postman.

Quickly hid that letter and handed the rest to the postman.

"Good intentions are not rewarded. Since you don't need help, I'll give it back to you, and I won't help you in the future."

His face was cold, and his voice was even more chilly. He threw the letter into the postman's hand, turned around and left.

"I'm sorry, the main thing is to sign for receipt, otherwise you can bring it in, thank you!"

The postman was embarrassed by his robbing, and apologized to his back.

Comrade guard frowned watching Zhou Zixu disappear, why did he feel that something was wrong?

I remembered, this person rushed out suddenly, where was he before?
where is it?
I have been standing guard here, but I didn't notice it?
Zhou Zixu walked quickly to the clinic. Since he was pretending to be sick, he had to prescribe some medicine.

When someone who was striding forward just now pushed open the door of the clinic, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a pained expression.

"Doctor, I have a stomachache."

(End of this chapter)

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