Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1827 There are moments of germination

Chapter 1827 There are moments of germination

Zhou Zixu walked into the room crookedly, with a fine layer of cold sweat on his forehead, looking as if the pain was unbearable.

"Sit down and let me listen to you."

The doctor put on a white mask, took out a stethoscope, and looked at Zhou Zixu with a serious face.

"No, I'm going to have diarrhea again. Please give me some antidiarrheal medicine! I have diarrhea."

After Zhou Zixu finished speaking, he turned around and ran, and the doctor's hand holding the stethoscope stopped in mid-air.

I had to wait patiently for Zhou Zixu to come back. Ten minutes later, Zhou Zixu came back, weaker than before.

"Doctor, I've had a bad stomach and I've had diarrhea all morning."

"Lie down, I'll check you first."

The hospital still wanted to do a thorough investigation before prescribing the medicine, but Zhou Zixu jumped up and ran out again as if a spring had been installed.

"No way."

Zhou Zixu's shout came from the corridor. The doctor saw that it was serious!
Regardless of the examination, he took out the medical certificate and prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs for diarrhea and enteritis to Zhou Zixu.

Zhou Zixu was sitting on the big tree at this time, took out the letter written to him by Sihui, and was looking at it happily!
Little villain, don't you know that you miss her?

The first article in her letter was all about the situation of the three children, and the second article made him feel most relieved. Sihui helped Jianguo clean up Wu Pengfei's family, and the wonderful scene seemed to be in front of him.

"I wish I was at home. Three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have had their legs broken by him. Sihui is doing great."

He clenched his fist and waved it in the air, dare to bully his brother-in-law?

Sorry!He was not in front of such a hot scene.
Grandpa is still mighty, go home and invite him to drink.

Looking further down, Sihui wanted to act as a matchmaker for Huang Yaomei and Zhang Changshui, and then came up with a bad idea.

"Tsk tsk, only Sihui can come up with this idea."

He shook his head and clicked his tongue, and turned to the next page. This time he smiled, his brows and eyes became brighter.

"Zixu, I miss you. I dreamed about you last night. In the new house, it's just the two of us. How are you?"

Zhou Zixu laughed wildly in his heart, although Sihui didn't write that he was bad, but he could also imagine it.

In the new house, there are only the two of them, what can they do?
Will you let go of this good opportunity?
The answer is definitely not.
Of course it is Chun 1. Xiaoyi. It is worth a thousand. Gold, seize all the time and love 1 love her well.

Unexpectedly!did not expect!

Sihui also has a moment when her heart sprouts.
Dear, wait, I will go back on August Festival, and then we will go back to our home, without bringing any of the three oil bottles, and work hard for a day.

Reluctantly, he folded the letter and put it back in his pocket, which was in the jacket pocket near his heart. It felt as if he and Sihui were caring.


Zhou Zixu suddenly remembered something important, jumped off the tree in a hurry, looked outside, saw the doctor frowning, and was walking towards the toilet!

I glanced in the direction of the health center and saw Lin Chong striding towards him. I couldn't even go back, so I had to go to the toilet, otherwise I'd be in trouble.

He hurriedly ran in the woods, and the doctor was not slow to walk, even if he rushed to the toilet, it might not be in time.

In order to stop the doctor, he picked up a clod on the ground and hit the back of the poor hospital.


The doctor came out to look for him because he was worried about Zhou Zixu, but when he was almost at the toilet, he was beaten and turned back to look for him angrily.

Turning around, I saw Lin Chong standing not far away, looking into the clinic room, but his hand seemed to have just been retracted.

It gave the impression that he had finished throwing things, and then deliberately turned his face away to pretend to be innocent.

"What's the matter with you? Why did you hit me?"

(End of this chapter)

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