Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1828 You Came Too Timely

Chapter 1828 You Came Too Timely
The doctor glared at him angrily, and stopped going to the bathroom, turned around and walked back. As a doctor, others usually respect him, so why beat him with a clod?

The doctor was a bit of a clean freak, and he swept his hands vigorously on his back. There wasn't much dust in the first place, but it disappeared after sweeping.

Lin Chong looked at the doctor depressedly, when did he hit him?

It turned out that Lin Chong suspected that Zhou Zixu was just pretending. He didn't see him last night. He was wearing a sweater to post letters. He was very strong. Why did he wake up in the morning complaining of a stomachache?
What's wrong?Can it come so fast?
So, he wanted to come over and take a look. If he was really pretending to be sick, then I'm sorry, he had to tell the teacher.

Now it was time for a break after training, and the students were queuing up to go to the cafeteria to eat. He asked the teaching team for leave, saying that he was concerned about Zhou Zixu and worried about his condition, so he asked for leave to come and see Zhou Zixu.

The teacher praised him appreciatively at that time. This Lin Chong is good, he knows that he cares about his classmates, and immediately agreed to his request.

"Doctor, let me see if Zhou Zixu is alright?"

Just came here and was about to knock on the door!He was scolded by the doctor, and he frowned dissatisfied.

"If you look at him, just look at him. Why did you throw me with a clod? You don't understand any manners."

The doctor and Lin Chong started arguing at the door of the health center. Both of them looked very angry, especially Lin Chong, his face was flushed and his fists were clenched, as if he was about to hit the doctor.

Zhou Zixu suppressed a smile in the woods, and quietly lurked towards the toilet.

I silently said [Lin Chong, I'm sorry, you came at a very timely time. 】

Anyway, he never liked Lin Chong, he was too arrogant, even more proud than himself.

Proud people can't get used to arrogant people, so not only Lin Chong disliked Zhou Zixu, but Zixu also disliked him.

Lin Chong didn't come to care about him out of kindness. He probably wanted to see if he was pretending to be sick?Then make a small report.

Holding his nose with his hands, he squatted in the toilet and waited for 2 minutes before he came out of the toilet clutching his stomach, and walked slowly towards the clinic step by step.

"Which class do you belong to? I'm going to find your teacher. It's too embarrassing. There's no one around here. Didn't you throw the clod? Who threw it? Ghost?"

The doctor's voice had already risen, and he sounded extremely angry.

Zhou Zixu came over and just heard what he said, grinning, when did he become a ghost.

【Sihui, in order to get the letter you gave me, did I become a ghost? 】

"It's too shameful for you to wrong someone. It's just me? I'll beat you? Which eye did you see?"

The proud Lin Chong, with veins on his temples bulging out of anger, almost snarled at the doctor.

If you are louder than your voice, come on!

"Lin Chong, look at you, why are you talking to the doctor?"

Zhou Zixu walked over and looked at Lin Chong helplessly.

"You don't need to pretend to be a good person."

Lin Chong glared at him. He had been arguing for a long time before he appeared and helped the doctor speak.

He felt like he was going to explode.

"Comrade Lin Chong, calm down when encountering things. We will become iron-blooded men who are commanders of the station in the future. We are not quarreling with ordinary people. Restrain your emotions."

Zhou Zixu spoke uprightly, but Lin Chong was the one who taught him the lesson.

"Look at this classmate who understands the truth, look at you, you look like a bandit, Lin Chong, right! I'll go to your instructor and ask him how he brought out the students?"

The doctor glanced at Zhou Zixu appreciatively, and raised his eyebrows when he looked at Lin Chong, knowing the name and still not punishing you?

"Lin Chong, quickly apologize to the doctor, if you make a mistake, you have to admit it."

(End of this chapter)

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