Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1835 Blushing Like a Pork Liver

Chapter 1835 Blushing Like a Pork Liver
The little girl gave Zhang Changshui a shy look, this brother Bing is really handsome, if only she had such a powerful partner?

Seeing Zhang Changshui's gaze, Huang Yaomei immediately understood, she moved to the middle, Zhang Changshui sat near the window, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

A look of disappointment flashed in the little girl's eyeballs, a good man always has a partner.

Along the way, Zhang Changshui took great care of Huang Yaomei, but even so, Huang Yaomei became weaker and weaker.

When I stood up, my legs couldn't support my body. I wanted to go to the toilet, but I couldn't even walk.

"Yaomei, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Changshui forgot Sihui's words, and now all his attention was on Yaomei.

Big drops of sweat began to drip from her forehead, she was holding the small table with her hands, and wanted to leave, but she couldn't take a step, panic and helplessness flashed in her eyes, did this start?
Although she was mentally prepared, she still couldn't accept it when it came to the critical moment.

"I can't walk, I'm paralyzed."

Tears came out of her instantly, she fell down on the bench, covered her face with her hands and began to cry.

"Sister Yao, don't be afraid, I am your leg, do you want to go to the toilet, I will carry you."

Seeing her crying, Zhang Changshui was heartbroken. He bent down and picked her up. He felt Yaomei trembling slightly in his arms. Obviously, she was still afraid.

"Miss, what's wrong?"

The little girl stood up in fright and looked at them nervously.

Big sister can still fight just now!Why can't you move all of a sudden?
"It's nothing."

Zhang Changshui said something lightly, and carried Yaomei to the toilet.

There were a lot of people in the aisle, and if you want to go to the toilet, you have to squeeze through. However, there are still a lot of people. When they saw him coming with Yaomei in his arms, they all gave way to let them pass.

"what's up?"

"I heard that I can't go."

"What a nice little girl, what kind of strange disease is this?"

People were discussing in low voices, but Huang Yaomei was worried about going to the toilet.

Although she is determined to marry Zhang Changshui, they are not married yet!Her legs couldn't support her body, and she couldn't go to the toilet without help.

She blushed so anxiously that she pushed Zhang Changshui out.

"You go! I can do it myself."

"Yaomei, you will be my wife sooner or later, what are you afraid of?"

Zhang Changshui turned around and locked the toilet door, said something in a low voice, hugged Yaomei, and went to untie her belt.

Huang Yaomei hurriedly pushed him with her hands: "No, I can't do it."

"Close your eyes."

Zhang Changshui said something in a low voice, with an unquestionable order in his voice.

Huang Yaomei subconsciously listened to his words, and after closing her eyes, the tension in her heart was not less, but more.

Zhang Changshui made a grimace to ease the embarrassment, gritted his teeth and untied Yaomei's belt, his hands were shaking a little.

The toilet is squatting, so Zhang Changshui can only hold Yaomei as if he was peeing a child.

Hearing the sound of rushing water, all the blood in his body rushed towards one place, his face flushed as red as a pig's liver, and his breathing became rough.

Huang Yaomei kept covering her face, she didn't dare to open her eyes.

After finally solving it, Zhang Changshui silently helped her put on her pants, and closed his eyes.

This is respect for Yaomei, she is not his real wife yet.

When Zhang Changshui walked out of the toilet with Huang Yaomei in his arms, many people looked at him strangely. He lowered his head and was really embarrassed to look up at people. Yaomei was even more so, covering her face all the time, not daring to open her eyes. I found that no one can face myself.

Soon to arrive at the transfer station, Zhang Changshui waited on Yaomei to wash her face, pack her things, carried a luggage bag in one hand, put Yaomei on her back, and walked towards the car door.

(End of this chapter)

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