Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1836 I don't want my fiancee to misunderstand

Chapter 1836 I don't want my fiancee to misunderstand
Because it is a transit station, there are a lot of people getting off the train, and this train is the last stop at this station, and there is no one waiting in line at the gates of all the trains to get on the train.

Seeing Zhang Changshui carrying Huang Yaomei on his back, the passengers consciously made way for them even if they were in a hurry to go home.

"Here's the stop, let's go to the hospital!"

The little girl in the same seat was running behind them, and found that this gentleman was carrying two luggage bags and carrying someone on his back. He walked in strides, and he had to trot to catch up.

"You go first!"

Zhang Changshui stood still, frowning to drive her away, Yaomei's face will change immediately, he doesn't want to be seen by outsiders.

"Brother, I want to help you and sister, can I help you with your luggage?"

The little girl refused to leave, she still wanted to help, and reached out to pick up the luggage in Zhang Changshui's hand, but was frightened by his cold gaze.

"Please don't follow us, I don't want my fiancee to misunderstand."

Zhang Changshui said coldly, and walked on.

The little girl pursed her lips in grievance, she didn't dare to follow any more, she could only watch them leave.

Zhang Changshui took the ticket and followed the ticket inspection team towards the exit, and went to the ticket hall, where the ticket for the transfer station had to be bought.

Huang Yaomei lay on Zhang Changshui's back. Although she lost all feeling in her legs, she was very scared, but after being carried all the way by him like this, the panic in her heart gradually disappeared, and she felt very at ease.

Seeing the sweat on Zhang Changshui's face running down his cheeks, he was very distressed, so he leaned into his ear and whispered thanks, "I am very heavy, thank you for your hard work."

"It's not heavy, it's about the same weight as the backpack we carry when we go out into the wild."

Zhang Changshui looked at her sideways, with smiles in his eyes, he made fun of her, and his eyes were full of happiness.

"Nonsense, the backpack is only a few dozen catties? I weigh more than 100 catties! It weighs twice as much."

Huang Yaomei was amused by him, is there such a description?Compare her to a backpack?

"I'm not heavy, why are you sweating?"

Huang Yaomei looked at him distressedly, took out a handkerchief from her uniform pocket, and gently wiped his sweat.

"It's too hot."

Zhang Changshui smiled, showing a mouthful of white teeth. He became the team leader and was a few years older. His smile lacked the mischievousness of his youth, and more of the charm of a man.

His jet-black eyes were shining like brilliant black gemstones, and the light in his eyes was all because of the woman on his back.

Because of her, he felt happy.

Huang Yaomei lowered her head shyly and touched her face subconsciously.

Suddenly raised his head to look at Zhang Changshui: "Has my face changed?"

"Well, but. In my eyes, no matter what you are, you are the most beautiful."

Zhang Changshui snorted softly. He had already seen that most of Yaomei's face was black and wrinkled, like a scar after a burn. He was not alone at all, it was hideous and terrifying.

"Then you. Are you afraid?"

Huang Yaomei buried her face tightly on his shoulder, not daring to let anyone see her. The right side of her face she just touched was covered with scars. When people nearby saw her, they all turned their faces away in fright.

This caused a huge blow to her heart. What she wanted to ask was why did Zhang Changshui still look at her so tenderly just now, as if she was the most beautiful woman in the world?
"I said, no matter what you become? I love you, that's not a lie. "

Zhang Changshui chuckled and said something calmly.

He took out the ticket from his uniform pocket, handed it to the ticket inspector at the station, and said in a deep voice, "For two people."

(End of this chapter)

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