Chapter 1844
Zhao Jinchuan looked at Zhang Kefu in horror, thinking of an excuse: "You drink too much and you are about to fall out of bed. I want to push you back."

But his lips were trembling and he couldn't make a sound at all.

Just like that, with his hands behind his back, he looked at Zhang Kefu foolishly.

[It's over, his college career is over, and he has a reputation as a thief. No one wants to find a good job in the future. Ding Lili knows that he is a thief, so she will definitely not talk to him again. 】

"You listen to my explanation."

Finally, he found his own voice, very low, as low as a mosquito buzzing.

However, what happened next was completely beyond his expectation. Zhang Kefu closed his eyes again, and continued to sleep, snoring like thunder, with his mouth still chattering, as if he was reminiscing about the big meal he had at night.

Zhao Jinchuan was sitting on the ground, stupefied. Is he too sleepy?

Standing up carefully, she walked over and stretched her neck to look at him.

Zhang Kefu's eyes were closed and he was in a deep sleep.

He let out a long breath and regained his heartbeat. He was so scared that his heart didn't dare to beat just now.

In order to prevent being discovered by others, he turned his head and looked around.

[Drinking was wrong, and I slept like a dead pig. 】

Non-toxic and not husband, let you all laugh at me?
After waiting for more than ten minutes, Zhao Jinchuan was sure that Zhang Kefu had fallen asleep, and then quietly stretched out his hand again.

He took out all the money in Zhang Kefu's pocket, not even letting go of the envelope under the mattress.Then he tiptoed towards Qin Guofeng's couch.

The next day, the sun rose very early. Zhao Jinchuan got up at five o'clock every day, and then took the English book to the small woods to recite vocabulary. Today was no exception, and he opened his eyes when the time came.

First of all, he subconsciously looked at Zhang Kefu who was on the opposite bed, and saw that he was still snoring with his mouth open!

Sit up, put on the shirt and trousers like every day, straighten all the folds, and go out with the washbasin first.

Some people in the same dormitory also had the habit of getting up early, so they got up and glanced at Zhao Jinchuan, but didn't speak to him.

If you promise Zhang Kefu to isolate Zhao Jinchuan, you can't break your promise, and you can't eat other people's food for nothing!
Zhao Jinchuan is used to it. He looks gentle on the surface, but he is very lonely in his heart, and he doesn't think highly of these men at all.

For the sake of stuttering, he begged for mercy at Zhang Kefu, his flattering face was disgusting.

Wash your face, brush your teeth, he is with this boy.

After washing up, Zhao Jinchuan left with the book and toilet paper, and went to the toilet to squat first. When he went to the toilet, he also had the book in his hand.

This is good, one is to pass the time, and the other is, the teacher and classmates can see that he loves learning so much, and the teacher likes it.

After going to the toilet, he went to the grove to recite vocabulary as he did every day. During the period, he went to a big tree and swayed around before returning to the place where he sat every day.

After reciting the words, his eyes were filled with a sinister smile, it was almost time for class, Zhang Kefu should get up.

He was in a hurry to go back and have a look. This kid found out that the money was lost, so why is he so mad?Will you cry?

In a hurry, he quickened his pace, and he couldn't wait to see a good show.

"Zhao Jinchuan, let's have lunch together!"

On the way, he was stopped by Ding Lili. Recently, Zhao Jinchuan was always trying to get him. He didn't always hang around her like before. Instead, she came to him every day.

When eating, Ding Lili always buys meat dishes on purpose in exchange for his vegetarian dishes.

This made Zhao Jinchuan very satisfied. It seems that the same sentence is still true, women, even if they can't be used to it, they have to be cold when appropriate.

"Zhao Jinchuan, did you steal my money?"

(End of this chapter)

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