Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1845 There is a glint of ruthlessness in the eyes

Chapter 1845 A glint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes

Zhao Jinchuan was about to answer Ding Lili!Zhang Kefu rushed over angrily, grabbed him by the collar, and punched him.

Zhao Jinchuan was unprepared and was knocked down to the ground with a punch.

"Zhang Kefu, are you crazy?"

Ding Lili pushed Zhang Kefu away angrily, and supported Zhao Jinchuan distressedly.

"Are you okay? They are bleeding, let's tell the teacher."

Seeing that Zhao Jinchuan's nose was bleeding, Ding Lili burst into tears. She took out a handkerchief to help him block his nose, glared at Zhang Kefu angrily, and scolded him loudly.

"Savage, rude."

"Ding Lili, don't let him fool you. This kid is a thief who stole my money."

Seeing that his sweetheart was still talking to Zhao Jinchuan, Zhang Kefu kicked the stones off the ground angrily, rushed over, and grabbed Zhao Jinchuan's collar again. The more Ding Lili loved him, the more Zhang Kefu hated him.

Isn't it just a little boy?In Ding Lili's eyes, Zhao Jinchuan has become Xu Zhimo, everything is good, wearing glasses is called thinking, and his skin is as gentle as jade, which makes Zhang Kefu vomit to death.

"Who stole your money, Zhang Kefu, defamation is against the law."

Zhao Jinchuan got up from the ground, he was no match for Zhang Kefu in terms of force, so he ran towards the teacher's office while shouting.

"Stop, I will kill you today."

Zhang Kefu followed closely all the way, and the passers-by all stared at them.

Zhao Jinchuan ran faster than Zhang Kefu. Zhang Kefu was too fat, and he couldn't move his body when he ran.

Zhao Jinchuan went to the teaching office first and found the head teacher.

"Teacher, Zhang Kefu bullies people."

Zhao Jinchuan's face was covered with blood, and his snow-white shirt was in a mess. His grief and indignation attracted the teacher's attention.

"What's the matter? Why did he hit you?"

The teacher pushed down his glasses and had a good impression of Zhao Jinchuan. This student usually doesn't talk much, doesn't cause trouble, and doesn't go out to drink and fight. He just studies every day, so he is biased towards him in his heart.

But we also have to figure out the situation, and we can't draw conclusions casually.

"Teacher, he stole my money. He is a thief. Call the police to catch the thief."

Zhang Kefu ran into the teacher's office out of breath, pointed at Zhao Jinchuan and shouted to the teacher, "I don't do any exercise, I can't take it anymore after running for a few steps, holding on to the door frame, panting heavily, and bleeding on my face." Khan, it looks like he has run five kilometers, but in fact it is not far at all, only a few hundred meters.

"Teacher, I didn't, report it! Let the police prove my innocence, but after proving that I didn't steal the money, I want Zhang Kefu to apologize to me in front of the whole school."

Zhao Jinchuan spoke uprightly, with a humiliating voice and angry eyes. Whoever saw it, these were all signs of being wronged.

"Report to the well? It's not good for the school. The school has guards. I'll let them go and have a look."

The teacher frowned and looked at Zhang Kefu. The guard and dormitory supervisor just came to him this morning to complain. Zhang Kefu took the boys in the dormitory to jump over the wall and go out to drink.

Didn't settle accounts with him!He made trouble for himself again.

Hitting people indiscriminately, and casually framing classmates?My impression of him was even worse.

Zhao Jinchuan supported his knees with both hands, lowered his head, and looked at the nosebleeds dripping on the ground, with a gloomy look in his eyes.

What else would Zhang Kefu want to say?But seeing the teacher's angry look, he was too scared to say anything.

It's okay to look for the guards, he believes in his heart that Zhao Jinchuan must have stolen the money, as long as he rummages through his couch, luggage, and then searches his pockets, he will definitely find it.

(End of this chapter)

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