Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1847 Revenge and Complaints

Chapter 1847 Revenge and Complaints

Without changing his face, he turned out the pockets of his shirt and trousers. He still had 16 yuan and [-] cents in his pocket, so he handed it to the teacher first.

"Teacher, this is my money, as evidenced by the remittance slip."

Zhao Jinchuan handed the money to the teacher, and said to him in a calm voice, his eyes were very clear, and he seemed to have a clear conscience.


The teacher nodded and verified the banknotes one by one. There was no oil, and some of the money was still new.

"Search the bed and luggage."

The teacher intends to return the money to Zhao Jinchuan and ask the guards to search other places.

"Teacher, I heard that rural people are afraid of losing money, so they are used to sewing pockets on their pants and putting money in them."

Qin Guofeng narrowed his eyes, jumped out and pointed at Zhao Jinchuan's pants.

"You deceive people too much, what happened to the rural people? Without us farming the land, you would starve to death, look down on the rural people, and you will be a rural person for several generations."

Zhao Jinchuan blushed and yelled at him, which was a humiliation to him.

"Qin Guofeng, pay attention to your words, don't bully your classmates, and don't engage in class talk."

The teacher gave Qin Guofeng a fierce look. He also came from the countryside. When he was in school, he was pushed out by his classmates in the city. No doubt, he is now on Zhao Jinchuan's side.

"Yes, I don't mean anything else, that is, where might he hide the money?"

Qin Guofeng shrank his neck from being scolded by the teacher, and obediently backed away.

He glared at Zhao Jinchuan, why did this kid behave so strangely today?Looking at my eyes is very penetrating, like
Like a cobra, it keeps spitting at him, and as long as he dares to move around, it will jump over and bite him to death.

"Teacher, I can take off my pants and let the guard check, but I will treat them equally."

How could Zhao Jinchuan be willing to be bullied, isn't he?Then take it all off.

"Yes, I agree."

The teacher nodded, and the other four students all stared at Qin Guofeng complaining, what bad idea did they come up with?

Are you taking off your pants with Zhao Jinchuan?It's so humiliating.

These people forgot that just now they thought Qin Guofeng was very smart, so he thought of this method.

When it was my turn, I felt uncomfortable.

Zhao Jinchuan took off his pants silently, wearing only a pair of colored boxers underneath, and opened his hands, calmly waiting for the search.

His calm look made Zhang Kefu feel a little flustered, could it be that he really didn't steal it?
Where did your money go?Could it be lost while jumping over the wall?

The guard went over to check, but there was nothing there, so he asked Zhao Jinchuan to put on his pants, and then went to look through his bed, luggage, and everything, only the corners were pinched, and there was no money.


Zhang Kefu panicked even more, and muttered to himself.

"I guess I lost it when I climbed over the wall."

Qin Guofeng helped him out, although it proved that he was not Zhao Jinchuan, but doubts could also make his classmates consider him a thief, which also achieved the purpose of humiliating him.

It's just that he can't be fired yet, almost embarrassing, this also reminds him that next time he can be framed, if he doesn't have money, just give him some money.

"Teacher, you can't just search for me, as if I am a thief."

Zhao Jinchuan glared at him.Forget it if you think about it, do you think he is easy to bully?This time, he wanted revenge and complained.

The teacher nodded and agreed with Zhao Jinchuan's proposal, it would be unfair to search only him.

Said to the two guards: "Search them all, it's better not to be our classmates. By the way, to be fair, Zhang Kefu has to search too."

(End of this chapter)

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